I have a question...

I usually take that as a sign that I haven't had enough booze.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
No. You have finally made it.
Tittyman is right. The more gold your urine is, the less water in it. The less water in it, the less water in you.

Also, if it smells strong, it means it is mostly Ammonia, and that is also bad.


It's only bad when your Guinness looks like piss.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
That's not good, if this persists you may have to go see a urologist.
Drink more (water) and worry when your stool looks like Guinness.

(Remember, you can drink like a fish as long as you drink what they drink.):angels:
what's guinness ???


mine looks like Duvel, even the amount of foam ...
damn ... reminder next time to take a sip before flushing ...