I have a question abnout the 2nd amendment...

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Does the word "arms" appplies to other arms than firearms ? Does it applies to longswords, battle-axes, maces, flails, cross-bows, etc. ? Or does it only applies to guns ? If I'm a fan (or a collector) of medival weapons, can I walk the street with a bastard sword i just bought at my side, in a scabbard ?

in my community knives of certain length are illegal to just carry around or have in the car

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I'm going to answer this, from an opinion standpoint. I'm not sure of the laws regarding medieval weapons....most of which seem far more brutal, and of a pain inflicting nature then any firearm I've ever seen....but anyway,

When the Second Amendment was written, The Government, and the common man, were on the same ground. They were supposed to be equal in their ability to mount a fight. In many cases, a wealthier civilian theoretically could buy a better quality gun, then a soldier was issued. In fact, until the Federal Firearms Act, of 1934, any man, with the money could walk into any store that sold them, and buy a Thompson sub-machine gun. I believe that's how the Second Amendment was meant to be, and I still do, regardless of what others think. or the laws that are passed, although I do abide by them, I don't agree, or support them.

Having said that, I would say that any device used to defend, or mount an offensive attack would be considered an "arm", and if it's what you feel puts you on equal ground with the group of people you feel you would need to arm yourself against, strap one on. However I will tell you this....it's a fuckload easier to pop a 15 round magazine, into a 2 lb, gun, and take cover as you defend from a secure position, then to carry a 50 lb sword, and then have to wield it around in an open theater of engagement.....but you do come from a fucked up country, and you do tend not to pay attention to how really fucked up it is.

So yeah...wear the sword, use it for defense....but the criminal will likely just shoot you, because HE'S A CRIMINAL....AND DOESN'T OBEY THE LAW!!!
I'm going to answer this, from an opinion standpoint. I'm not sure of the laws regarding medieval weapons....most of which seem far more brutal, and of a pain inflicting nature then any firearm I've ever seen....but anyway,

I agree. But on the other hand they are not as simple to use as guns are. swords are heavier than handguns (about 2pds for handguns, about 4 for longswords, you have to draw large moves. Alos swords can only be used in clos-combat while guns are made to be used from a certain distance.
I'm not pretending swords are less dangerous than guns (I consider both to be extremely dangerous) I just think guns are easier to hold and wield than swords.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yeah...that's what I said. That's the point. Why work harder then you have to? You wash your clothes in a washing machine, or in a stream, on a rock? I have the right to be safe and secure in my person, and a firearm is a tool that allows me to do just that.

If you can find me a quality constructed sword, that holds an edge, and can take the force of battle, that only weighs 4 lbs. I want to see it. (include a link to the order form)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I carry a model 22 with 46 rounds available. I ain't getting killed for a lack of shooting back.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Sig 229 in .40 S&W 25 rounds total.
I used my range bullets up and was unable to buy any when I was at big 5 being near july 4
some people from the other side of the wall like to shoot at the stars and the moon on that day

Will E Worm

It applies to all weapons.

People can carry weapons for protection.

Trump will hopefully change all the laws infringing on our rights.