A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Does the word "arms" appplies to other arms than firearms ? Does it applies to longswords, battle-axes, maces, flails, cross-bows, etc. ? Or does it only applies to guns ? If I'm a fan (or a collector) of medival weapons, can I walk the street with a bastard sword i just bought at my side, in a scabbard ?
Does the word "arms" appplies to other arms than firearms ? Does it applies to longswords, battle-axes, maces, flails, cross-bows, etc. ? Or does it only applies to guns ? If I'm a fan (or a collector) of medival weapons, can I walk the street with a bastard sword i just bought at my side, in a scabbard ?