I Have a Crush on These 2 Jerseylicious Girls

Just ask yourself this simple question: How do they look whe, it's 7am with no make-up and messy hair ? Imagine that.
How would you react if the thing you've just imagine is he 1st thing you see when you wake up ?

Whilst I dig Alley Baggett, Leanni Lei, and Felicia Danay every now and again, and I've always wanted to plow one of those little Indochinese girls that jog around my lake, generally I like my girls fair skinned. Just my preferrence. To each his own. But to be honest, they probably don't look that bad in the morning without that Maybelline shit all on.


Lord Dipstick
Jerseylicious is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. I don't know most of the girl's names but Olivia stands out to me. That girl has an ass on her.:thumbsup:


Hiliary 2020
if you want a girl like that move to staten island.
personally i think they be nasty but i'm used to being around a higher degree of women.
its like if all youve ever eaten was white rice, youd think it was the best food ever.


Lord Dipstick


Lord Dipstick
I think I saw side boobage! :drool2: ^