If I want sex I can go to the hookers, its legal here, so thats not it.
It bothers me that I don't understand women no more.
I know a lot of girls that are friendly to me, hug me, kiss my cheek, etc etc, i don't even know if they are interested or just being friendly.
Sometimes I wonder if women are not attracted to me, or if they actually are, but I am too blind to see.
Sometimes i feel so sad, that i litteraly feel pain in my chest (YES I MEAN LITTERALY, AND NOT FIGURATIVE SPEAKING), does anybody knows what i am talking about, and do women understand what I am talking about (and if they did, do they look down on me for it, as to me it seems women especially like heartless guys (sorry for thinking like that)).
I wished some women would have relpied here with a helpfull message. It seems the guys that replied it was a mix of friendly and hostile replies. But the women that replied all was hostile.
I know this is a pornforum and not a helpforum, so I understand if nobody replies anymore.
In my defense I don't think my post was hostile at all, yours
was hostile though, so I just left the thread. Plain and simple. Since you asked yet again, here goes.
Honestly I didn't care for the "stereotype " you put on all women in the thread. If you carry yourself like that out there in real life then you may want to work on your problem of bundling issues. Not everyone, every circumstance or every of anything is ever the same. STOP IT. If
ANY of these feelings even slightly show with the next girl you talk to, buddy you are screwed. Women sense things, well most women. You do have your dinghies that you can pull the wool over there eyes. In the long run though a woman doesn't want a man with baggage. Check your bags at the counter from this trip of disappointments and move on alone and fresh.
You do have a right to vent. I feel venting the
acts of this person a better choice than the person and making all women out to be the same. You apparently have just done some bad choosing and have been hurt. Doesn't make "all" of us pieces of shit. If I judged men on my ex I would never speak to a man again, but thank God all men aren't like him.
You asked, I answered. With advise not hostility and I really wish you well Grasshopper.
Oh and yes I have felt my chest bursting. More than you
ever have, I had to hurt for three people. Two innocents were involved, but I
NEVER whined I simply took the high road and got stronger. How you use life's experiences good and bad mold who
you are. Life gives you lemons, then you make lemonade. You don't suck on them silly.