Cant substitute a real book for anything. I know im old fashioned.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Cant substitute a real book for anything. I know im old fashioned.

I thought exactly the same thing. I'm a total book-a-holic; they are strewn over just about every surface in the house. I pretty much always have a minimum of 3 on the go at any one time and, usually more.

But this little pad has just blown me away. Honestly. I can't remember the last tiem I enjoyed reading so much. And, this is the latest gen with the experimental MP3 player built in. The speakers are incredible, even though the player itself sucks and needs lots of work.

That tiny gripe aside, I honestly can't fault it.:hatsoff:
Kindle 3G variant, and a Kindle app on the 'ol iPad2... Standalone Kindle is unbeatable when riding in a car. Love the dictionary/thesaurus/encyclopedia add-in...100's of books/magazines/newspapers at your finger-tips along with a whole reference section...FTW!

p.s. I find myself sometimes reading so long...that I forgot to eat lunch/dinner (or for that fact I end up pulling an all-nighter)...Why I do this...:dunno:...but the Kindle is bang'n


Official Checked Star Member
I haz a Kindle and I fucking love it. I've had it since February and have already gone through 45 books. Kindle books are SOOOO cheap!!!


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.


knows petras secret: she farted.
nah, im into the real thing. im going back retro these days. ive been buying a ton of books from this thrift store recently that i found.

the only time i can see wanting something like that is for my d&d pdfs.

and i have no idea if they would read them with images and all that.
haha now that would be wicked!!

Oh yes it would .... :cool:

There's so many free books too .... in 24 hours I filled up seven content pages with free classics. Bliss!

Petition to Amazon for this? I think so

Prior to getting both the Kindle (standalone) and the iPad w/ kindle (May 22nd)...I may have read only 1 book a year; I've already burned through 5. Mostly historical, and science novels (not Sci-Fi). Kindle Owners Anonymous anyone? :1orglaugh


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I have no need for one. I much prefer to read real books. If I want to read something on an electronic device, that's what and Project Gutenberg are for, and they can be accessed on my phone.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
You can't compare reading a document on a backlit device with reading it on a Kindle, which reads as well as, if not better than, paper. I was reading in direct sunlight today. It was easier than paper ... less reflection and glare. It would have been impossible to get the same reading quality using a backlit device (laptop, phone etc).

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Not into books. Neither real nor digital. :dunno: Plus kindle/ebooks are still way too expensive over here. They cost around as much as the real thing. It's because in Germany a book must cost the same everywherer you buy it. So ebooks fall under that rule too.

Enjoy your kindle my fuzzy fwiend! :)
Tried out a friends one and wasn't a fan. I guess it takes some getting used to, but the half an hour I had it in my possession just didn't satisfy. I'm sure I'll still get around to buying one at some point. Whether or not it'll get used, is an entirely different story.