I gotta get into shape, any tips?

Im goin away to college in August to San DIego and I've got a bit of a belly that I would love to lose before I get down there, so anyone got any excersize tips tips so I can lose a few before I get down there?
You need to begin eating the right things before you begin anything. Doing that will make you cut fat without lifting weights. But you are going to San Diego for college, that is going to be hard.
eating right is most important, cut back on all fatty foods and sweets,fizzy drinks etc, eating right will but you on the right road but if you wanna shed does extra pounds fast, go for a run or a swim daily...doesnt have to be for long just get your arse moving!! but remember training will do you little good if you dont sort your diet out first...
Do a lot of aerobic exercises such as running, jogging, swimming, biking, etc. If where you live doesn't have such space, try jumping jacks, squats, and "prison workouts" (stand up straight, get down on your palms, push your legs back, pull them back in, stand straight again. Not a good explanation but it gives you an idea). Whatever you enjoy doing. Do it for a long time, and continue to do more after each work out (like say one day you run a mile, the next day try to go for a mile and 1/4, then a mile and 1/2, etc).

Keep in mind that if you decide to take up on running or jogging, I highly reccomend doing it on a track field or something. Your feet pounding against cement pavement for a prolonged period isn't healthy for you.

You Might also want to do several sit ups. I would stay off pushups and pull ups for now because you're trying to get rid of that "beer belly", but if you're trying to build your arms and chest, go for it. Don't work out with weights either. Only work out with weights if you plan on building mass.

And of course, eat right. Put away all the junk food. Don't even drink juice. Stick with normal water frm the tap or bottled water. Drink 8 cups daily. Try to incoperate a lot of protein into your diet, and be sure to eat food and not starve yourself by eating nothing but lettuce and salds (they lack proper vitamins and minerals, lettuce especially which is nothing more than fiber + water).
Super_Noob said:
"prison workouts" (stand up straight, get down on your palms, push your legs back, pull them back in, stand straight again. Not a good explanation but it gives you an idea).

I think you may mean an exercise (that I love btw) called a burpee. here are a couple links talking about them:
This last link has a video demonstration
http://www.fullcombat.com/Articles/Tip of the month/challenge.html
Spend less time on your ass in front of the computer...and get outside!!!

Seriosuly though...diet is ALWAYS the key.

Take a case of identical triplets who all want to lose weight.

The first guy exercises and does nothing about his diet.

The second guy doesn't exercise but changes his eating habits to eat much healthier.

The third guy does both.

Easily the 3rd guy will have the best progress, but the 2nd triplet will have much better results than the 1st...always.

Ad oh yeah, drink plenty of water. At least 8 glasses a day.
find your caloric intake for what your weight is.... subtract 500 calories a day from that . Get a gram of protein per body weight, eat fats, but healthy ones, avoid trans/saturated. Try to avoid dry carbs in the evening (get them in the morning) eat fibrous ones in the evening
It may not be you are eating to much. It could be you are eating not enough of the right stuff.

That was my problem not enough fruit, veg and proteins. Left me to knackered to do any proper exercise so the bad stuff I ate was not being burned off.


I suppose that you are a college beer drinker.... beer doesn't help you improve anything at all worthwhile and is high calorie... drop it.

You don't give any real insight to your level of activity, attitude or physical build... so it's hard to give any worthwhile advice. I've known some guys that need to be told to get off the sofa and take the stairs.... while others are not total slugs and need a push to start cardio... while others that do an hour or more cardio a day and cant loose weight at all...

IOW More info is needed...