I got blocked from Brazzers

Brazzers only lets you watch 5 previews a day.


I was trying to find which episode a clip I have was from, so I tried to figure out how to get around their block. If you know a thing or two about URL addresses, a lot of times you can dig into a web page a little. Firefox's Adblock Plus is more than just an ad blocker. It displays every single URL on a webpage (sometimes, like Flash videos for example, you have to play the video first before the URL appears.) Anyway, I determined how to obtain the direct URLs to Brazzers' previews, and thus get around their little 5 preview limit. So, there I was viewing a whole bunch of previews — I probably viewed like 12 — when all-of-a-sudden the links stopped working. Ever since, every day I've visited the site, it says I have 5 previews, and I click it and without showing me the video it goes down to 4 and all the way to 0.



Retired Mod
Poetic justice for trying to get more than they were freely offering.
try using a proxy server.
Isn't that the best feeling in the world when you find a "Secret" directory of porn on a site when messing around with the URL. So many sites still do not block directory access to subfolders (which is stupid), but you can find tons of videos that way if you do some snooping around.



You know what you need to do, go to their world headquarters and burn the motherfucker down!!!!
That's a lot of work to go through to get a couple of extra previews. :dunno:

No, it only took a minute. All I had to do was play the video and look at AdBlock Plus's URL list and find the .flv.

Then you just replace the number in the URL with the appropriate number to get the individual video.
No, it only took a minute. All I had to do was play the video and look at AdBlock Plus's URL list and find the .flv.

Then you just replace the number in the URL with the appropriate number to get the individual video.

Ehhh...that's a minute more than it's worth to me. Trying to get some preview just doesn’t seem like it would be something that’s important.