I drove up to a horrific bicycle accident today

As I approached the scene, cars coming toward me where very slow and then cars in front of me came to a crawl. A garbage truck stopped in front of the bicyclist and initially I thought the truck was involved in the accident but the driver simply stopped when he noticed [NOBABE] the body [/NOBABE] in the road. This was before first responders even arrived. About a mile up the road a lady was so distraught after seeing the bicyclist she rear ended another car. The bicyclist’s helmet was on the side of the road and he was hit so hard that a substance that could best be described as looking like cake batter or Underwood Deviled ham was splattered beside [NOBABE] the body [/NOBABE] .Probably the worst scene I have personally witnessed on the highway. It appears to be a hit and run. Seeing that lifeless body still attached to the bicycle just laying there affected me. I’ll never forget it.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
It's never easy to see that kind of thing. I've been driving a truck for over 30 years, and I see screwed up shit everyday....sometimes it makes me wonder why I even leave the house.
It's common to see the remains of animals on the road with their internals strewn about. Yet most of us tend to not give it much thought.
But when it's a fellow human being essentially in the same condition, it's far more disturbing. Emotionally, we sympathize and then quite naturally, empathize - "what if that were me!"
First responders are truly special people. Somehow they're able to routinely process seeing the most horrific of images that most of us would find life-altering, and still go about their daily lives as mentally-stable people. Ought to be a national holiday in their honor!