I do not like to eat in restraunts

because I have heard that many chefs will put their cocks to meal before it is offered to the customer.

assari my Finnish friend

They have a point.

I even adopted a quote from you in my sig line.

Now I know how Rosalyn Carter felt when she found out she had a photo taken with John Wayne Gacy.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I had a friend that worked as a cook at Dairy Queen when we were in high school. I pulled through the drive thru one afternoon when he was working and he came to the window with his little paper hat on and he said, "You see that guy out there? He's a rude fucking dick. I'm going back there and flopping my wiener all over his hamburger bun before I send out his order." He meant it. lol Of course that was Dairy Queen, you might not be able to get dick burgers like that just anywhere.
Went to steakhouse with a friend and his wife and the place was closing in about 20 minutes but the hostess said they would still serve us . as we were being seated the cooks started yelling out salad bar! Salad bar! Salad bar!
They pointed to the grill and it was spotless where they had cleaned it and wanted to get off from work.

The friends wife said, "they have to serve us" I said you can go ahead but I don't want them fucking with my food so let's go somewhere else . they finally agreed. They would have definitely fucked our meals up had we ordered.
Yep, Assari you are an idiot.

"Many smart people are idiots"



assari my Finnish friend

They have a point.

I even adopted a quote from you in my sig line.

Now I know how Rosalyn Carter felt when she found out she had a photo taken with John Wayne Gacy.

Dear US brother / friend / correspondence friend

This topic is a reality and the person who told me this is a chef.

There is something VERY suspicious about you assari. There's no way that you are really the person you seem to be. It just couldn't be possible.

1. I am male

2. I live in Finland

3. I am a Christian


Those are facts

I love eating at restaurants...what I don't like is how expensive eating out can be.

Yes, they are expensive and restraunt staff can be unreliable...

The finest place where I've been:

Old sailing ship which had been converted into a restraunt

I had a friend that worked as a cook at Dairy Queen when we were in high school. I pulled through the drive thru one afternoon when he was working and he came to the window with his little paper hat on and he said, "You see that guy out there? He's a rude fucking dick. I'm going back there and flopping my wiener all over his hamburger bun before I send out his order."

I believe that and what he did is wrong.

You can go to jail for that. Fucking with people's food is serious.

I "eat out" at least 5 times a week probably more. I am courteous to the wait staff and I tip because I know they're making $2.13 hour and don't give a fuck to spit in someone's food if they're assholes.

People who spit in someone's food are pervent and they are in the wrong job.

Went to steakhouse with a friend and his wife and the place was closing in about 20 minutes but the hostess said they would still serve us . as we were being seated the cooks started yelling out salad bar! Salad bar! Salad bar!
They pointed to the grill and it was spotless where they had cleaned it and wanted to get off from work.

The friends wife said, "they have to serve us" I said you can go ahead but I don't want them fucking with my food so let's go somewhere else . they finally agreed. They would have definitely fucked our meals up had we ordered.

That was a smart tactical retreat.

*thums up*
Dear assari my Finnish restaurant critic friend

What is the temperature in Finland now? This time of year the high temperature.I am asking.

I need to find a cool place for the summer.
Dear assari my Finnish restaurant critic friend

What is the temperature in Finland now? This time of year the high temperature.I am asking.

I need to find a cool place for the summer.

My dear fellow, here is the Souther Finland weather forecast.

12 degrees warm, the grey clouds cover the sky and the wind is moderate
BC you would burst into flames in Finland or anywhere in Scandinavia for that matter. All of those happy socialists. I can just imagine after a few drinks you trying to tell them your view of government and having 100% of the people in the room laughing at you like you told them you didn't fly on a plane to get there but instead you were flown by little green men in their space ship.
BC you would burst into flames in Finland or anywhere in Scandinavia for that matter. All of those happy socialists. I can just imagine after a few drinks you trying to tell them your view of government and having 100% of the people in the room laughing at you like you told them you didn't fly on a plane to get there but instead you were flown by little green men in their space ship.

Oh just stop it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You can go to jail for that. Fucking with people's food is serious.

I "eat out" at least 5 times a week probably more. I am courteous to the wait staff and I tip because I know they're making $2.13 hour and don't give a fuck to spit in someone's food if they're assholes.

Oh, yeah, I agree, but when I was seventeen it was pretty funny. My friend lost his sense of humor after he joined the Marine Corps.
So you could go to a place full of socialists who are genuinely happy people and NOT try to convince them that their government was wrong?????? No fucking way.

If you happened upon a place full of people like BC, who have a corresponding government and are happy with it... could you NOT try to convince them that their government was wrong? ;)