Here is what I'm going to messege her. Tell me bad or good and any pointers would be great!
"Hey J…..,
Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, policing will definitely be interesting. My dad is a cop too, so I hear lot’s of cool stories!!
Oh, you’re at Georgian eh? That’s good. Are you in res? I’m sure driving everyday would be a pain in the ass! I’m sure it’s nice having great teachers and people in classes. Believe me, I could go on about some teachers when I was at Seneca, ha, ha! The people in my classes were great, but some of those teachers were something else!!! Do you know what you would like to do when you graduate?
Yeah, a reunion sounds like a great idea! I still keep in touch with Dave and Max, but I haven’t heard from Al in a long time! I actually kind of miss it living up there. It was nice. Although, living in Newmarket, has some great pro’s! Let me know when your free and we can set something up. It doesn’t have to be anything big or fancy, as long as there is beer!! Just kidding...well not really!! It would just be nice to see everyone again!"
Thanks guys!!!