I am stupid. I don´t look sexy. I just look a bit like Richard D. James (hey Richard but I like your music so take it easy). I am 25 years old and a still a virgin. I kissed 2 girls. 4 times I kissed in my life. The last kiss I had 3 years ago. I just look boring. I am shit for everyone. Thank you all. Now you can piss at me.
The conceptual framework of ‘linear time’ is a modernistic and contemporary: Western concept.
In the philosophies presented in about the 80% of humanity, ‘linear time’ is nonexistent. In their aspect time is represented as being cyclical: the idea and concept of Karma would be a pertinent example of ‘cyclical time.’ ‘Achievements’, degrees, possessions, power - are all meaningless.
In our linear time for instance we feel that we go through phases: yardsticks, achievements, benchmarks, and landmarks.
We become adept at comparing and contrasting ‘our time’ to the time of other people: for example, we define and characterize our lives by ‘progresses' and ‘failure to progress.’ We measure diplomas, income, material possessions, occupation, gender, race, number of children; IQ, physical attractiveness etc.
If we fail to ‘measure up’ to completely artificial and manufactured criteria dictated by society, we feel subhuman, valueless, unconfident, suicidal, and unwanted. When we don't comply with the deadlines, accumulate 'possessions' (intangible or tangible), or comply with some schedule we are labeled as being ‘losers.’
This is false. We are all wonderfully unique. Can you compare oranges with apples? Saccharine compassion, with a large bank account? BMW's to falling in love? Celebritydom - to finding yourself?
We all live our distinct and unique lives, acquire unique experiences and knowledge; become unique.