I am the total looser (no girl looks at me)


Get away from German girls! ;)

Even though I've seen some real stunners in Germany, IMO they have, in general, a real attitude problem. It's no surprise that you're not scoring! :)

Get more girl friends and hang out with them more... then have them start to introduce you around. Being introduced to someone you are interested in by a girl friend is an easier ride.


Closed Account
I am stupid. I don´t look sexy. I just look a bit like Richard D. James (hey Richard but I like your music so take it easy). I am 25 years old and a still a virgin. I kissed 2 girls. 4 times I kissed in my life. The last kiss I had 3 years ago. I just look boring. I am shit for everyone. Thank you all. Now you can piss at me.

The conceptual framework of ‘linear time’ is a modernistic and contemporary: Western concept.

In the philosophies presented in about the 80% of humanity, ‘linear time’ is nonexistent. In their aspect time is represented as being cyclical: the idea and concept of Karma would be a pertinent example of ‘cyclical time.’ ‘Achievements’, degrees, possessions, power - are all meaningless.

In our linear time for instance we feel that we go through phases: yardsticks, achievements, benchmarks, and landmarks.

We become adept at comparing and contrasting ‘our time’ to the time of other people: for example, we define and characterize our lives by ‘progresses' and ‘failure to progress.’ We measure diplomas, income, material possessions, occupation, gender, race, number of children; IQ, physical attractiveness etc.

If we fail to ‘measure up’ to completely artificial and manufactured criteria dictated by society, we feel subhuman, valueless, unconfident, suicidal, and unwanted. When we don't comply with the deadlines, accumulate 'possessions' (intangible or tangible), or comply with some schedule we are labeled as being ‘losers.’

This is false. We are all wonderfully unique. Can you compare oranges with apples? Saccharine compassion, with a large bank account? BMW's to falling in love? Celebritydom - to finding yourself?

We all live our distinct and unique lives, acquire unique experiences and knowledge; become unique.
Looks are not that important, Attitude is everything. If you think your a loser that,s the impression you will give other people. Low self confidence is unattractive, If you are negative, depressed, uncomfortable and shy around women thats unattractive and boring. Smile, be friendly, make eye contact, I promise you will get a much better response. :thumbsup:

I agree the internet might be a good place to start working on your self confidence, it can be much easier to be yourself and get to know someone with the anonymity the internet provides, BUT be cautious, people aren't always what they seem online, it can be very easy to get caught up in a fantasy that could turn into a nightmare. I was lucky and met the love of my life online, and we are now happy together in real life, but I've witnessed a lot of disasters and not so many happy endings, so my advice would be to just use the internet as a tool to learn how to relate to women in real life. :)
I am stupid. I don´t look sexy. I just look a bit like Richard D. James (hey Richard but I like your music so take it easy). I am 25 years old and a still a virgin. I kissed 2 girls. 4 times I kissed in my life. The last kiss I had 3 years ago. I just look boring. I am shit for everyone. Thank you all. Now you can piss at me.

I'm 27 and a virgin. Never kissed a girl been kissed once- back in '93. The ifference is I'm not looking to date. I've been set up many times and just don't show. All the girls I meet are shallow so I stay away. I'm average looking with a decent build by the way. I don't think I'm a loser.

Don't worry about being a virgin. At leastyou won't have to worry about knocking someone up or VD. And don't get down on yourself. Think of this: you're saving money by not dating and eventually you'll meet someone.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm 27 and a virgin. Never kissed a girl been kissed once- back in '93. The ifference is I'm not looking to date. I've been set up many times and just don't show. All the girls I meet are shallow so I stay away. I'm average looking with a decent build by the way. I don't think I'm a loser.

Don't worry about being a virgin. At leastyou won't have to worry about knocking someone up or VD. And don't get down on yourself. Think of this: you're saving money by not dating and eventually you'll meet someone.

No offense.. but you struck me as both pathetic and optimistically hopeful-as-can-be at the same time. I lost mine at 19 and that was far after most people did. All that I can say about it is.. for most people they can never get enough. For my own part in the matter.. it's not all it's cracked up to be with most people. But with a select few.. it's absolutely priceless.

I hate to buy into the "spread your seed around" and "sample a bit from every plate" argument.. but people really do need a bit of experience so you can compare and.. dare-I-say appreciate.. each different type for it's unique.. eh, ..qualities. :kindly bows:
First, I want to say thank you for all your big help. Second, I need to say that my mother never loved me. She slaped me in my face since I was a child. My father slaped me when I was just 6 years old. Everyday. Than, when I got older, I did´t could bring friends at home, because my parents screamed at me all the time that "they" have the right who is my friend and who is not. They wanted that my friends are stupid children. I was about 12 years old when just Friedrich Nietzsche, Hegel, Kant and Buddha were my friends, so all my friends were dead. Later, on my 18. birthday my parents did not wish me anything nice - they just screamed again at me and my mother slaped me in my face. With girls I never had anything to do. Not because I look totally like shit. Nobody is or looks like shit. Nobody. But my parents did never liked me and a girl I could not bringt to my house. They would say that my girlfriend is a bitch or totally shit. When you love someone and your parents say something like that, this is hard. Now I am 25 years old, but I have no home, because I find no job and nothing. But I sleep by a friend. Sometimes I eat, almost everyday. Last week I sleeped on the street, but thats allright. Since I was 16 years old, my life is like a bad movie. With every new day I got more a punk. Now I got on the right side of my head very long hair but on the left side very short hair. No girl likes me, so now - I can look stupid as I want.
Well, even if you are a 25-year old virgin who's only kissed 2 girls, you're still way ahead of me. I'll be 23 in two months and not only have I never had sex, but I've never even come close to kissing a girl. I guess, despite all the changes that have happened over the past few decades (i.e. the Sexual Revolution and the liberalising of attitudes to sex and sexuality), sex is still very difficult to come by for most people (especially men) outside of a stable long-term relationship. And forming those sort of relationships can be very difficult. It can be depressing sometimes, but you've just got to persevere. After all, 25 is hardly 50. There are still plenty of years ahead, plenty of time to master your skills with women and find someone special. Ok, I know the 'someone special' talk makes me sound a bit gay, but I'm right and you all know I am.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Well, even if you are a 25-year old virgin who's only kissed 2 girls, you're still way ahead of me. I'll be 23 in two months and not only have I never had sex, but I've never even come close to kissing a girl. I guess, despite all the changes that have happened over the past few decades (i.e. the Sexual Revolution and the liberalising of attitudes to sex and sexuality), sex is still very difficult to come by for most people (especially men) outside of a stable long-term relationship. And forming those sort of relationships can be very difficult. It can be depressing sometimes, but you've just got to persevere. After all, 25 is hardly 50. There are still plenty of years ahead, plenty of time to master your skills with women and find someone special. Ok, I know the 'someone special' talk makes me sound a bit gay, but I'm right and you all know I am.

I know the voice-of-reason talk is cliche.. but 25 is HALFWAY to 50. That's depressing the same as 25 means you're no longer in those early twenties. Your sexual prime is behind you. 30 is looming down on you.

And lastly.. just remember the truth of BOTH parts of this next quote:

"You're unique. Just. like. everybody. else."


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I know the voice-of-reason talk is cliche.. but 25 is HALFWAY to 50. That's depressing the same as 25 means you're no longer in those early twenties. Your sexual prime is behind you. 30 is looming down on you.

And lastly.. just remember the truth of BOTH parts of this next quote:

"You're unique. Just. like. everybody. else."

I'm 25 and my sexual prime has been gone for, oooooh, about 5 years. Oh wait, no...that's just my sex life. :confused:
I know the voice-of-reason talk is cliche.. but 25 is HALFWAY to 50. That's depressing the same as 25 means you're no longer in those early twenties. Your sexual prime is behind you. 30 is looming down on you.

And lastly.. just remember the truth of BOTH parts of this next quote:

"You're unique. Just. like. everybody. else."

30 is as close to 25 as 20 is close to 20.
if i were 25 i wouldn't be too worried about turning 30.