I. Am. Galactic.

Kinda throwing my own party here, I realize...just really fucking happy about getting the name...finally...fuck yeah bitches! Doesn't take much to make me happy. :)


█▀█▀█ █ &#9608
Wasn't your old name Galactic?

Edit: Damn it, I said I was going to leave.
Welcome to the board you new named sodomite!

You shall go through the rituals of abhorrent actions that FO imposes on newly named members.



Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
As long as you're not staking a claim on "Ace Boobtoucher" or "General Fluffybutt" I'm good with the name change.


So, tell us about your now defunct reference to the numero ''22''... or would you have to kill us for that disclosure?

What are all of you jerks doing up at this god forsaken hour?
Who hasn't yet been to bed in the overnight... raise your beer bottle in the air! :glugglug: