good games are rare these days:dunno:???? You still have a super nintendo as your main console or something????
good games are rare these days:dunno:???? You still have a super nintendo as your main console or something????
Tali will be romance-able ?
since i'm not getting the game this month nor next month but perhaps
in April. so guys somebody knows if Tali romance ?
Thanks in advance.
sorry for bad english.
Anyone know if the romantic decision you made in the first game will affect relationships in the second? I heard some of the decisions you made will carry over to the new game but I'm not sure about the romance.
I'm curious since I struck out with Ashley and wasn't into the blue chick so my Shepard didn't get laid in my run-through.
If it matters then I'll have to play 1 again and score with her before moving on to 2.
Awesome. Thanks for the info.In the first game, my Paragon playthrough I romanced Ashley and my Renegade playthrough I romanced Liara. I'm playing my Paragon Shepard in ME2 at the moment and there is a picture of Ashley on my desk in my cabin. I don't know if I'll see her again in this game but I heard that if you cheat on your romantic interest then it might effect you in this game or the third game.
Ach fook it, It isnt a massive plot reveal or even major I only got it yesterday so I aint far in. I know Bioware probably doing it purposely to make us think it cause it would probably be cliche yet its bloody fits IMO.....Miranda is the illusive mans daughter!
<quickly logs out for fear of flames>
^ I always had problems with that level. If you are having troubles even getting there, I suggest trying another level; otherwise, if you make it to the boss you'll tear your own fingernails out in frustration.
Another suggestion might be to do some side missions and upgrade your team members and their equipment. Remember you can add certain perks to weapons and armour to make them more effective against synthetics or have healing capabilities.
Lastly, if its that hard, try turning down the difficulty. On higher difficulties the game becomes less of a shooter and more of a hide-behind-crates-and-pick-your-shots type game. The kind of problems you seem to be facing is stuff that happens to me on hardcore.
thanks for that ill give it some looking over.
i think i have it on middle type difficulty.i think i was the same when i started KOTOR i hated the game until i got my character up to a decent level (not terrible not great) then leveled up accordingly to what i felt i needed to be better at. here im just trying to get my squad to be good shots to be able to kill the enemy in 1 or 2 tries.
Any suggestions on the best 2 other members of your squad?
i know im way fucking late with this.
i figured i would post here cause all of you probably finished the game.
i just got around to the 1st mass effect (i had a long line of games to play )
i am currently hating this game cause it takes me 2,3,4 or 5 times to do one mission section. i went to the 1st planet to peek15 to go after the matriarch.
my squad pretty much die quick (i always hear "my shields are gone")
and i am left to beat 2,3 or 6 guys by myself.
i dont have great skills and it sucks having to do the same freaking thing over and over like half a dozen times cause my group and i keep getting killed!
i tried to really get into it today, i have to do the whole hangar mission over a bunch where the Geth have some creatures in supply cases. i got into the vehicle to drive to peak15 and died like 4 times.
i am starting to learn i have to save after every little fire fight or gun battle.
but i got so pissed off today that after dying the 4th time i just popped the game out and shut the system off my blood was BOILING!
ANY HINTS on how to get my shooting better? my shields better? my squad to actually put up some sorta fight and not go out with a wimper?
thanks from a frustrated mass effect 1 player.
hope you are all having fun with Mass Effect 2 :thumbsup: