Hyper Links in 'User Title' section of Board FAQ


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
You actually read the FAQs? You need to be banned methinks...nobody does that around here!

(fixing the links)


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
You actually read the FAQs? You need to be banned methinks...nobody does that around here!

(fixing the links)

After getting another (but very gentle, almost longingly tender) warning for hotlinking (despite using Hotchyx to host) AND, in the light of Dog-Gate, I decided it was a good time to brush up on rules, reasons and the general whatnot of Board life.

'Twas during my refreshing jaunt through the 'shalls' and 'shall nots' and the 'why the fuck can't I/isn't this/Sweet Jesus have mercy FAQ help subjects, that I was confronted with this abomination of linkage.

My thanks for the fixage. Now I can seamlessly, and with minimal navigation, purchase a custom User Title the way God intended custom User Titles to be navigated to, and bought.


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