Hygiene and sex?

Is hygiene a big deal when it comes to sex?

For example

Guy who doesn't shave his balls or around his member.
Girl who doesn't shave her legs or armpits or her private area.

Would you make that particular person shave it before you even decided to have sex?
Fuck yes!! I'm extremely particular about a woman's hygiene when it comes to shaving and even manicures and pedicures.
I don't mind some hair down below - I've never actually met a girl who doesn't shave her armpits or legs (well they haven't left them long enough to make them look hairier than mine) so who knows how I would react, I'm sure it would be pretty of off putting. I think the only thing that would really put me off would be if that there were any unpleasant smells radiating from the area in question.

Would I continue if there were? *Ahem* Maybe, but if I did I’d slide another 4 or 5 condoms on beforehand just to be sure.....


Official Checked Star Member
Yes hygiene is important. Must be trimmed, and VERY clean. If it even slightly smells like sweat, its not going anywhere near me. UTI's are not fun, and dirty dicks are UTI monsters.
If you expect a trimmed clean partner, be trimmed and clean yourself. That is the only rule for sex. Oh, and no AIDS.
Hygiene is a big deal, period.
My girl shaves everything, but there have been times....like after she had been sick with the flu, etc, where her legs and pussy were a bit stubbly and I didn't care in the least. I knew it was temporary and not because she stopped caring.

I've never been with a girl who had any bad smell...I'm lucky in that. If anything, I'm far more concerned with my own hygiene. My girls has tried to fuck me right after I had a long workout, but I insisted on a quick shower first.
Hygiene is important to me, I always have to be clean before sex, and I'm sure my girlfriend appreciates it. As far as shaving goes, it would turn me off if a woman had hairy legs or armpits. I prefer a woman be completely shaved or no more than just a little patch, but it wouldn't turn me off if she wasn't.
i personally cant have sex unless i got right out of the shower or early in the morning, but i shower right before i go to bed too. there have been times when me and the wife have had sex right after coming home from a club/bar, but we usually end up in the shower also.
Always wash the happy parts well, with soap and water. But I see no need to trim. I'm a hairy guy, so trimming there would make me look like a putting green out in the rough with no fairway.

Chicks, though, gotta be be hairless. For me.


Member, you member...
Is hygiene a big deal when it comes to sex?


Would you make that particular person shave it before you even decided to have sex?

I can't "make" anyone do anything they don't want to do. So, no.


hygiene is not the same as shaving/trimming. Hygiene is just cleaning your parts and yes everone should be cleaning their parts.