Huzzah for Health Care


Couldn't that be said of any crime which causes incarceration? Some idiot on his 2nd strike steals a pizza from a delivery boy and ends up in the states gated community for life.:dunno:

I doubt you're a supporter of 3 strikes though.:tongue:
Red Herring :yummie:

fuck healthcare, you have to work to deserve it.

Same for basic education?

Red Herring

Waiting for the difference to be demonstrated? Almost all crimes which incarcerated the perpetrator cost more than what the offense costs.

You're right though. I did miss pointing out your post was a red herring.:thumbsup:


fuck healthcare, you have to work to deserve it.

I agree with that. I'm tired of people who abuse the system deciding to be lazy in perpetuity. Welfare as a lifestyle is the opiate for the messes in society. Welfare ''moochers' (the able bodied selfish parasites in particular) only exhaust the resources for individuals who really need social services e.g. the disabled, elderly and infirm etc. These people don't have a back up plan for anything in life, everything must include the supervision of government.

So sad and pathetic


Staff member
Same for basic education?

Waiting for the difference to be demonstrated? Almost all crimes which incarcerated the perpetrator cost more than what the offense costs.

You're right though. I did miss pointing out your post was a red herring.:thumbsup:

I don't like social assisted parasites, they have to work to deserve education but not leech the honest hardworking citizens money. Who wants a nanny state after all? You obviously :yesyes: And you would you like to see your revenues taxed and your money to be given to a bunch of social assisted and unwilling to work parasites?
I don't like social assisted parasites, they have to work to deserve education but not leech the honest hardworking citizens money. Who wants a nanny state after all? You obviously :yesyes: And you would you like to see your revenues taxed and your money to be given to a bunch of social assisted and unwilling to work parasites?

You're right....I don't mind paying taxes for the basic education and health care coverage of my fellow countrymen.....I have no more heartache paying for that than I do paying in taxes for local police and fire protection. It helps to make our country a better place IMO.

Or are people who parasitically rely on police and fire protection leeches too?


You're right....I don't mind paying taxes for the basic education and health care coverage of my fellow countrymen.....I have no more heartache paying for that than I do paying in taxes for local police and fire protection. It helps to make our country a better place IMO.

Or are people who parasitically rely on police and fire protection leeches too?

I have never heard of a police and fire tax. Our VFD does funraisers to get money. There might be a police tax but I have ever heard of it.
I have never heard of a police and fire tax. Our VFD does funraisers to get money. There might be a police tax but I have ever heard of it.

Jason what do you think state and local taxes pay for? It doesn't say "police", "fire" or "school" comes out of what's called the general fund.
I hate to break it to you but the Constitution was amended to allow the taxation of income and other things by the government more than a century ago. Even before that a lot of people didn't even think it was unconstitutional. Considering you keeping every cent you own receive in employment isn’t a human rights or constitutional issue (In fact giving health care to everybody and not pandering to individual selfishness has the upper ground where things like that are concerned.) if your that upset about it I totally support your right to leave this country forever and not be burdened with your duty as a citizen.

Maybe YOU should be the one to move. Cuba, Canada, UK, Mexico, all got some sort of government paid health care if that's so important to you. I don't mind doing my civic duty and pay taxes, that's just fine with me but what I don't want is more government intervention into my life. If I need health care I WILL FUCKING PAY FOR IT.

Now, am I selfish because I don't support government sponsored health care here? I do give to people in need, from what I can without being forced to give and without sending myself into the poorhouse in the process. And this bill, contrary to what you guys on the left believe or say, IT'S NOT ABOUT INSURING EVERYBODY, it's all about giving government more control over our lives (see the Endangered Species Act for an example of what you can and can't do in YOUR OWN home if some kind of an endangered cockroach were to be found in your backyard) if it were about ensuring poor people who can't afford health insurance all they'd need to do is raise the limit for Medicaid.

And how about your own selfishness? Put your money where your mouth in, all of you leftists who think are so generous because you "care about the poor so you'll vote for government to take over health care", that is nothing but phony generosity, it's all fake. Start your own charity to help the poor get insurance. Hell, I'll contribute to it every month, but like I said, WITHOUT BEING FORCED TO DO SO!!! I mean, if you're so generous why the fuck would you need to be forced to contribute to a worthy cause?
Ramming it down America's throat just like a good little whore...

The good news is that this bill will never make it through the Senate.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Your right it is and so is extortion, expect when the governement does it I guess. "Buy our health care or pay the pentality." Sounds like something that should be in the Godfather.

You are subject to other taxes you can't just evade, too, right?

This is kind of strange for a citizen of a country with a general health-plan like me, living in Germany.

Who indoctrinated you with your single-minded bullshit?

Will E Worm

Pelosi health care bill (H.R. 3962, as amended) could land people in jail. The JCT letter makes clear that Americans who do not maintain “acceptable health insurance coverage” and who choose not to pay the bill’s new individual mandate tax (generally 2.5% of income), are subject to numerous civil and criminal penalties, including criminal fines of up to $250,000 and imprisonment of up to five years.

I'm not paying another tax. We are taxed to death in this country. If anything many taxes need to be repealed and soon.

Ramming it down America's throat just like a good little whore...

The good news is that this bill will never make it through the Senate.

That's a good thing. ;)
I thought that the bill was not a social service health care plan paid for by taxes, such as medicaid/care, but a requirement for an individual to have health insurance from a private company of their choosing such as the car insurance law?

and either way, since everyone now must pay for insurance it's not a matter of the wealthy supporting the poor; the wealthy can already afford to pay their medical bills, it's entirely the burden of low income people whose expenses are always disproportionate because things cost the same no matter who is paying for them or how much money they have.


Jason what do you think state and local taxes pay for? It doesn't say "police", "fire" or "school" comes out of what's called the general fund.

Jason, you should join the flamer movement.

If you can both tell me where in the local and state tax code of Pa it mentions police and fire departments that would be appreciated cause I can't seems to find anything.
Well since you must know here in Pa our local taxes go towards:
1. Real Property Tax

The real property tax is a tax on the value of the real property (land, buildings, and other improvements) owned by a taxpayer. It is sometimes called the real estate tax. The amount of real property tax a taxpayer owes depends upon the value of their property and the local tax rate. Property values for tax purposes are determined by an assessment process conducted by the county government. These assessed values may be very different than the actual market value of the properties.

2. Occupation Tax

The occupation tax has roots in England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. At that time, many occupations were created by grant or title and could be sold or transferred between individuals. Occupations thus often were a form of property which could be bought and sold, much like real estate.

It is not surprising then that the occupation tax is very similar to the real property tax. The tax is levied on the value of residents' occupations, as determined by the county tax assessors office. The occupation of school bus driver may have an assessed value of $25, for example, while that of a lawyer may be $290. Assessed values are not based upon income, so all members of the same occupation will pay the same amount of occupation tax even if their income differs dramatically.

The local jurisdiction levies a tax rate on these occupational assessments. The occupation tax is collected from residents, without regard to where they actually practice their occupation.

The occupation tax can also be levied as a flat rate tax. Every person who works pays the same amount, regardless of their occupation. The maximum levy as a flat rate is $10 per person, while there is no limit if the occupation tax is levied as a tax rate.

3. Emergency & Municipal Services Tax

Prior to Act 222 of 2004, the Emergency & Municipal Services Tax used to be called the Occupation Privilege tax, and is a tax on the privilege of working in the jurisdiction. All persons employed in the jurisdiction levying this tax must pay, regardless of whether they are legal residents of the jurisdiction. Municipalities and school districts can exempt low-income residents from paying the tax (Act 222 allows these jurisdictions to exempt taxpayers with annual income of less than $12,000 from paying this tax). The maximum levy is $52.

4. Per Capita Tax

The per capita tax is a flat rate tax, levied on adults who live in the jurisdiction. It is sometimes known as the "head," "poll," or "residence" tax. All adults pay the same amount, regardless of their income level.

5. Earned Income Tax

The earned income tax is a kind of income tax levied only on residents' earned income (such as wages, salaries, or other reimbursements for work). Unearned income, such as interest, dividends, pensions, and social security are exempt from the tax. Unlike the federal or state income taxes, the earned income tax allows no exemptions or standard deductions. A jurisdiction can collect earned income tax from non-residents who work in the jurisdication but do not pay an earned income tax in their "home" jurisdiction.

The maximum levy is 1 percent of earned income. If both the municipality and school district levy the earned income tax, both must share the 1 percent.

6. Realty Transfer Tax

The realty transfer tax is a tax on the sale of real estate. The maximum levy is 1 percent of the sales price. If both the municipality and school district levy this tax, both must share the 1 percent.

7. Amusement Tax

The amusement tax is a tax on the privilege of engaging in an amusement. It is tax levied on the admissions prices to places of amusement, entertainment, and recreation. Amusements can include such things as craft shows, bowling alleys, golf courses, ski facilities, or county fairs. The amusement tax is considered a tax on patrons, even though it is collected from the operators of the amusement.

8. Mechanical Devices Tax

The mechanical devices tax is a tax on coin-operated machines of amusement, such as jukeboxes, pinball machines, video games, and pool tables. The tax rate is set as a percentage of the price to activate the machine.

9. Mercantile Tax

The mercantile tax is levied on the gross receipts of local businesses. It sometimes is known as the business gross receipts tax, or business privilege tax. The mercantile tax can be levied on wholesale and retail trade, as well as restaurants. The Local Tax Reform Act of 1988 prohibited imposing any new mercantile taxes after November 30, 1988, though jurisdictions which were using the tax at that time are allowed to continue to levy it.

10. Personal Property Tax

The personal property tax is similar to the real property and occupation taxes, in that it is levied on the value of property owned by residents. The property it taxes is intangible personal property, such as mortgages, other interest bearing obligations and accounts, public loans, and corporate stocks. The personal property tax has sometimes been called an honesty tax because the only way a county knows the value of a taxpayer's personal property is if that taxpayer is honest enough to report it.

Funny no mention of Police or Fire Dept, like I stated before we have VFD's that do fundraiseng for ALL their money.

And here are the Pa state taxes
Sales Taxes
State Sales Tax: 6% (food; clothing, text books, heating fuels, prescription and non-prescription drugs exempt) Other taxing entities may add up to 1%.
Gasoline Tax: 32.2 cents/gallon
Diesel Fuel Tax: 39.2 cents/gallon
Cigarette Tax: $1.60/pack of 20

Personal Income Taxes
Tax Rate Range: Flat rate of 3.07%
Personal Tax Exemptions: None
Standard Deduction: None
Medical/Dental Deduction: None
Federal Income Tax Deduction: None
Retirement Income Taxes: Retirement income is not taxed after age 59 1/2 if the person has reached retirement, based on years of service or age. Retired means meeting the requirements of a Pennsylvania eligible plan and separated from service by retiring. Eligible employer-sponsored retirement plans can, but do not necessarily, include employer-sponsored deferred compensation plans; 401(k) plans, thrift plans, thrift savings plans, and eligible welfare plans. Income not taxed includes Social Security benefits and Railroad Retirement benefits; commonly recognized pension, old age retirement benefits paid after becoming eligible to retire, and then retiring. It also includes United Mine Workers' pensions, military pensions, and civil service annuities. For more information, click here.
Retired Military Pay: As long as you retire from the military with either years of service or age, your retirement income is not taxable.
Military Disability Retired Pay: Retirees who entered the military before Sept. 24, 1975, and members receiving disability retirements based on combat injuries or who could receive disability payments from the VA are covered by laws giving disability broad exemption from federal income tax. Most military retired pay based on service-related disabilities also is free from federal income tax, but there is no guarantee of total protection.
VA Disability Dependency and Indemnity Compensation: VA benefits are not taxable because they generally are for disabilities and are not subject to federal or state taxes.
Military SBP/SSBP/RCSBP/RSFPP: Generally subject to state taxes for those states with income tax. Check with state department of revenue office.
Property Taxes
Property taxes are levied by local governments (counties, municipalities and school districts). The tax cannot exceed 30 mills on the assessed valuation of the property without special permission from the courts. Households with claimants or spouses 65 years of age or older, widows or widowers 50 years of age or older and the permanently disabled 18 years of age or older meeting income eligibility requirements may qualify for this program. Rebates of paid property tax or rent, up to a maximum of $650 per year, are available. To qualify, annual household eligibility income must not exceed $35,000. Applicants can exclude, as income, one-half of Social Security, Supplemental Security Income and Railroad Retirement Tier 1 benefits. The Property Tax/Rent Rebate program allows residents to exclude 50% of Social Security payments and 50% of Railroad Retirement benefit payments from eligibility income. The maximum rebate is $650. Counties may levy an intangible personal property tax, which taxes stocks, bonds and other personal property taxpayers may own. Not all counties levy this tax. For more details, click here.

Inheritance and Estate Taxes
The Pennsylvania inheritance tax is calculated at a percentage of the value of the assets transferred which is determined by the relationship of the heir to the decedent and the decedent's date of death. The tax rate is 4.5% for transfers to direct descendants (lineal heirs), 12% for transfers to siblings, and 15% for transfers to other heirs (except charitable organizations, exempt institutions, and government entities). Property owned jointly between husband and wife is exempt from the tax, while property inherited from a spouse, or from a child 21 or younger by a parent is exempt. The estate tax is related to federal estate tax collection.

For further information, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue site or call 717-787-8201.

You see here in Pa our government in Harrisburg funds all local and state police by budget cuts and reworking the budget.
“The budget I will unveil tomorrow in Harrisburg will help make Philadelphia safer,” Governor Rendell said during a news conference in the office of Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter. “This budget will provide funding for Philadelphia to hire 100 new police officers to patrol its streets and neighborhoods.

“This budget also will provide funding to pay for the 100 new police officers the city hired in 2006,” the Governor said. “All told, this budget means funding for 200 police officers for Philadelphia.”

Governor Rendell’s statewide “Police on Patrol” initiative will double to $20 million per year for three years in state funding for police departments across Pennsylvania
If you can both tell me where in the local and state tax code of Pa it mentions police and fire departments that would be appreciated cause I can't seems to find anything.

Ahem...uh Jason <chuckle>....Son, it wouldn't say "police tax", etc. (for example)...Most if not all of the taxes you listed are what is being taxed...not what the tax is used for. The revenue from what is being taxed goes into some general fund at the state or local level. FROM THAT things like police, fire dept., schools, trash removal, park upkeep, etc. are paid for.

You see here in Pa our government in Harrisburg funds all local and state police by budget cuts and reworking the budget.
“The budget I will unveil tomorrow in Harrisburg will help make Philadelphia safer,” Governor Rendell said during a news conference in the office of Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter. “This budget will provide funding for Philadelphia to hire 100 new police officers to patrol its streets and neighborhoods.

“This budget also will provide funding to pay for the 100 new police officers the city hired in 2006,” the Governor said. “All told, this budget means funding for 200 police officers for Philadelphia.”

Governor Rendell’s statewide “Police on Patrol” initiative will double to $20 million per year for three years in state funding for police departments across Pennsylvania

Jason I'll just ask you what was asked of those people in that clip you posted in another thread....where does Gov. Rendell get the $20 from?

Let me just save you a wee bit of embarrassment because I think you might be inclined to go here....but you suggest these services are paid for through cuts but where does ALL the money from which savings are realized by cuts come from??:D