Hustler's Star Trek Spoof


Closed Account

Jenna Haze and Spock
Sasha Grey and Captain Kirk

How do they come up with it :D
Wow they really went all out for this. I want to be surprised, but for some reason I'm not.
You have to love how they have "This is a parody" right under the title that itself states it's not Star Trek. :1orglaugh Either they think the people that might buy it are not that bright, or they are being extra paranoid to avoid any legal hassles.

I can't say I'm big into porn parodies, but it still beat the hell out of dumb ass gonzo pictures that porners make. At least some thought has to go into them.
You have to love how they have "This is a parody" right under the title that itself states it's not Star Trek. :1orglaugh Either they think the people that might buy it are not that bright, or they are being extra paranoid to avoid any legal hassles.

pretty sure it's to avoid legal hassles ;)
I've got this on order and should be arriving on Monday. I like these porn parodies that have been coming out lately, they've been pretty top notch.