I found a thread for naked&funny in a forum where people discuss anything related to the city Odessa in Ukraine.
"Since April began shooting TV "Naked and funny" (like a hidden camera) who wants to participate in the survey (men, women, girls and boys from 18 to 60 years), call tel. 80972904230, 80689327551, 80932182897; приходите по вторникам,средам,четвергам с 14.00 до 17.00 по адресу ул.Новосельского 69/71, к.78( вход со двора) ; пишите и присылайте своё фото на e-mail: golyeismeshnye@mail.ru 80972904230, 80689327551, 80932182897, come on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 14.00 to 17.00 at ul.Novoselskogo 69/71, k.78 (entrance), write and send your photo to the e-mail: golyeismeshnye@mail.ru"
This was posted on 05.03.2008, 11:24.
So April 2008.
Some more info on the show. Just search something like голые смешные ОДЕССА which means naked funny Odessa and use google language tools to translate.
I don't know if this is allowed but I invite you to help Bump a thread I started:
two things... first of all, we do agree that the girl in the museum is not the girl in the right of the first post? Because i've notices that there are two incredible busty girls in nakedfunny,
lida: http://nakedfunny.com/en/video/movie-667.html (i think blonde is actually her natural hair color)
and a brunette
those are different girls right?
and woul like your opinion on the following:
i think this also a vid form lida:
btw: i think the petra mis theory deserves a second chanse... she seems pretty different in every video try looking for pics of her in the natural wonders of the world saga... she looks exactly like lida
i`am searching for this Girl http://www.amateursgarden.com/galleries/86d762/,her Name was Melissa???
I know that it gave a threat,but i can`t find :-(
oh yes,i`am sorry..you must take http://www.amateursgarden.com/galleries/86d762/linkd doesn't work
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