Huge reserves of freshwater lie beneath the ocean floor.



The volume of this water resource is a hundred times greater than the amount we've extracted from the Earth's sub-surface in the past century since 1900".

At least when the rigging breaks, the spill will be clean.

Why use our existing resources more wisely when we can just tap into new ones!!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Great story! I'm not a science guy but I kind of enjoy hearing about and reading science related stories. But it's always seemed a little strange to me that we've spent so much time and resources exploring the moon and outer space, yet we still don't completely understand the planet that we live on. Just seems like things like deep sea exploration would/could yield more readily useable discoveries than anything found on Mars or the moon. :dunno:

Will E Worm

Great story! I'm not a science guy but I kind of enjoy hearing about and reading science related stories. But it's always seemed a little strange to me that we've spent so much time and resources exploring the moon and outer space, yet we still don't completely understand the planet that we live on. Just seems like things like deep sea exploration would/could yield more readily useable discoveries than anything found on Mars or the moon. :dunno:

I think part of it is because exploring the deepest parts of the ocean is hard to do due to the pressure, it's a lot easier to blast stuff into space. Also, it's not as sexy as going to a different planet so funding usually isn't there for it.