Huge: Feinstein to Be Investigated

I don't defend the law-breaking of others. If you're struggling to defend hers, while maintaining your dignity, then stop, pumpkin!

:facepalm: I'm not defending anything, I don't have to. She was under investigation by barr's crooked DOJ, and even they couldn't justify pushing it. Arguing about it is as pointless as still arguing about benghazi.

Just a side note about you calling people "pumpkin," "sprinkles," "sugar" and the like - I know you're trying really hard to be condescending, but you just sound like a desperate old pedo.
:facepalm: I'm not defending anything, I don't have to. She was under investigation by barr's crooked DOJ, and even they couldn't justify pushing it. Arguing about it is as pointless as still arguing about benghazi.

Just a side note about you calling people "pumpkin," "sprinkles," "sugar" and the like - I know you're trying really hard to be condescending, but you just sound like a desperate old pedo.
Honey, it's obvious to anyone that's paying attention that you have no idea what foolish things Feinstein has said, nor her outrageous crimes - yet, you rush to heel, eager to defend her, and you get emotional when challenged about defending her, and you lob insults that frame you as a young victim of sexual assault (if that's how you want to self-identify, so be it, but rest assured that Dick finds you gross 😕).
Q: How many trillion do you think we should be spending on COVID relief?”

Feinstein: "Well, let me be clear, the important thing is to start and whether it’s one [trillion], obviously, you would prefer the larger number. But the important thing is to begin.” “You can always add to it,” she said.

Diane Feinstein and her approach to spending taxpayer money: big numbers


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
like, what's self-respect, right

Great question coming from a Trump clown! How can you Cheetos have a shred of self respect having sacrificed any semblance of dignity you may have ever possessed to support the most criminal, most corrupt, most immoral, most sexually depraved, least competent, least intelligent, and least respected administration in the history of the republic? :unsure:

Trumpians- willing to die to, "own th-uh libs". Who needs Jonestown Kool Aid when you got Orange Juice?
Great question coming from a Trump clown! How can you Cheetos have a shred of self respect having sacrificed any semblance of dignity you may have ever possessed to support the most criminal, most corrupt, most immoral, most sexually depraved, least competent, least intelligent, and least respected administration in the history of the republic? :unsure:

Trumpians- willing to die to, "own th-uh libs". Who needs Jonestown Kool Aid when you got Orange Juice?

Dianne Feinstein: No Covid Relief for States w/No Mask Mandate

Surprise! Lefty DC lifer, politicizing a national emergency.



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
They've been saying that Adam Schiff may run for her Senate seat.
Adam and Katie Porter will be fighting it out. Maybe Kamala will want to rejoin the Senate. (Ignoring the fact that the VP is the presiding officer.)


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Strom Thurmond was nearing 100 when he retired. He is probably wondering why Dianne isn’t marching on.
Strom Thurmond was nearing 100 when he retired. He is probably wondering why Dianne isn’t marching on.
She had a long way to go before she could give renowned homophobe, KKK chapter founder, and professed hero of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, Senator (D) Robert C Byrd, a run for his money. The democrat segregationist spent a whopping 51 years, 5 months, and 26 days fighting for segregationists, fighting against gays (they didn't have all the fancy letters when Byrd was hating on them), collecting from lobbyists, raising up good little career politician grifters like the aforementioned - he died in the saddle, doing what he loved - sucking government teat and twisting it to squeeze all the ill-gotten gains out that he could (not a fan of the "real job", Byrd - in fact, the top 10 is littered with dems just like him!).


Nattering Nabob of Negativism

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Aren’t we all Chinese assets?