In a hot shower, or in a bubbly jacuzzi, together. 
Damn...which ever comes first. :rubbel:
Damn...which ever comes first. :rubbel:
I like you. Do you like me?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
I like you. Do you like me?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Awwww so cute! I remember those notes
I've always wanted to seduce a guy without either of us speaking. Just have my way with him and leave. The only sounds I should recall would be the both of us moaning. Maybe one day I'll get the balls to do it.
By a woman using GHB
I am pretty straight forward....
She rips out my belt with her teeth....
Drops my cacks.......
And so it begins.....
I'm not picky! Do with me whatever you want!
The woman walks in the room completely naked and stands before me with her hands on her hips. I ask her what she's doing, and she responds by grabbing my hand and placing it on her vagina. I tell her I need an adult and she says she is twenty-three years old and owns her own car before pushing me down on the ground and licking my eyes.
I don't really care how she does it, just make it obvious.
i do anything for booze.
Just tie me down and do with me what you will
I like a woman who walks innocently through dark alleys at night. Never looks over her shoulder because of the alcohol enhanced sense of false safety.
I like when they walk passed my corner where I wait, hiding, watching....
Wait, did you say seduce?
Forcibly pushed face first into urine soaked tiles, striped from the waist down, brutally sodomised and then left weeping in a ball, bleeding profusely having never seen my lovers face.
Ask me out.
I like you. Do you like me?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]