How Would You like To be Seduced???????


I am pretty straight forward....

She rips out my belt with her teeth....
Drops my cacks.......
And so it begins.....


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
The woman walks in the room completely naked and stands before me with her hands on her hips. I ask her what she's doing, and she responds by grabbing my hand and placing it on her vagina. I tell her I need an adult and she says she is twenty-three years old and owns her own car before pushing me down on the ground and licking my eyes.
I like a woman who walks innocently through dark alleys at night. Never looks over her shoulder because of the alcohol enhanced sense of false safety.

I like when they walk passed my corner where I wait, hiding, watching....

Wait, did you say seduce?
Forcibly pushed face first into urine soaked tiles, striped from the waist down, brutally sodomised and then left weeping in a ball, bleeding profusely having never seen my lovers face.

Since women are naturally soft and passionate, anything involving that combo will lure me in. I liked to kissed, I like to feel a woman's breath against my face, and I like to be softly bitten... the idea that she suffers from a form of sexual thirst conjures a psychological effect that forces mind and body to separate and come together in pleasured intervals. I want her to force me to feel what she feels. I want her to make me feel that this is much more than sex.

That's ideal for me.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
hmmm that's a good question, since I never learned how to read!!!!!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
She hangs a velvet print of Walker Texas Ranger in the bedroom, then demands that I don't read her the miranda rights as I search her for illegal contraband.
Either get me so drunk I pass out, or just hit me in the head with a bat until I pass out. Either way, make sure I'm not conscious. I'll last longer and please you better.