It is estimated that a third of people do not know how-or do not even try-to wipe their asses so the problem is serious.
Training video on wiping your butt as taught by the United States Marine Corps.
Do you remember Matt Damon's words of wisdom from Deadpool 2?
It throws this question on it's head (literally)
Is he one of those who can not wipe the ass?
(Matt Damons)
Try wiping your ass at a Golden Corral.
Guys, guys.
Listen to the man. I mean: His name IS ass-Ari, the Master of Ass
I salute you, and long shall You wipe!
Really, no one remembers his debate about toilet paper being a scam? I thought that was a highlight of the movie LOL
Yup, that's the one!I found this.
But no one wipes ass in this scene.
Classic bit somewhat related to the topic.
Rule #2: Wash your hands.