How to wipe the butt

It is estimated that a third of people do not know how-or do not even try-to wipe their asses so the problem is serious.

Move to a Muslim country like France and just use your left hand. :dunno:
Do you remember Matt Damon's words of wisdom from Deadpool 2?

It throws this question on it's head (literally)


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Guys, guys.

Listen to the man. I mean: His name IS ass-Ari, the Master of Ass

I salute you, and long shall You wipe!
Really, no one remembers his debate about toilet paper being a scam? I thought that was a highlight of the movie LOL


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Don't eat for a day and just drink two bottles of Magnesium Citrate. One at 11:30 am; and the other at 5:30 pm.

[Then stay hydrated the rest of the time: Gatorade, apple juice, clear broth, tea, lemon jello, etc.]

You won't be wiping much!
I found this.
But no one wipes ass in this scene.
Yup, that's the one!

It might not have an ass wipe but it calls into question the futility of the practice.
If you got shit on any other part of your body you wouldn't be happy just wiping it off with a dry piece of paper.

This is a perfect argument for the world to adopt those fancy Japanese washlets that powerwash your sphincter.