How to get to the point when your in the Czech Republic



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"Take this off" (i. e. "I want to see you naked") = "Sundej si to".
"Take this off" (i. e. "You look like a scarecrow in it") = "Sundej to".

"Condom" = "preservativ" (the word "kondom" is used in Czech too, but is much less common).

"Mě" is mostly pronounced like "mnye" (with "m" followed by a sound similar to "n"-sound in British "new"). The pronunciation "mye" ("m" followed by a sound like in "yet" in English) is older but very rare nowadays, although it is considered as correct according to the Czech orthoepic norm.


Postal Paranoiac
Was that page 81 of the Dating And Romance section?:1orglaugh
This is good info. I've always wanted to meet a nice Czech porn star and give my "romance and dating" lines a try.

If you hear (during or after sex) "Ja te zabiju, ti kurva" don't be concerned with the translation, just run cause the womans husband just came home.