How to get chicks when you aren't rich and don't have a big wang


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
Just use your charm and be yourself. Whatever happens just give it a shot, confidence is key! Have a nothing to lose attitude. it's worked for me but I have a big wang so does my opinion count? lol


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Slay the evil dragon that is holding her prisoner that's what works for me. Then have bards sing your praises for it.
Whoever draws up a set of guide lines on this is a fucking genius......Like the pirate's code. Oh before this self deflects, I do get the occasional ride but to be brutally honest I don't know how.....I suspect it has something to do with being in the right place at the right time and well the chicks....Are well....Quite frankly horny.

Discuss fellow perverts. Banter may it flow.

If you are having serious problems trying to pick up women then you probably have to drop your standards.......alot!