How to get chicks when you aren't rich and don't have a big wang

Whoever draws up a set of guide lines on this is a fucking genius......Like the pirate's code. Oh before this self deflects, I do get the occasional ride but to be brutally honest I don't know how.....I suspect it has something to do with being in the right place at the right time and well the chicks....Are well....Quite frankly horny.

Discuss fellow perverts. Banter may it flow.
I think this falls along the lines of: to each his own.
If there were one grand unified theory, that person would have a Nobel Prize.
Plus women are just crazy. Nobody can figure them all out!
Ahh come on someone lay out a code. Something we all strive to adhere to and then blindly break and refer to them as more like "guidelines"


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Date rape.


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What quality of chicks are we talking about here?

When you don't have these things, it's best not to give a fuck about it. In the end, confidence is the winner. I think. Easier said than done though I suppose.

But yeah, don't rule out date rape.
Some years back a friend of mine said, “ Pick out the ten hottest chicks in the club, go up to each one and strike up a conversation, if you get one or two to talk to you, you know you are gonna hit one of them latter that night."
Dress like an idiot and act like a douche? Actually, while some of the chicks that are with these ass-clowns are fairly attractive, most of them are dumb as stumps. Take my cousin for example. I love him like a brother but the boy just a'int right. Anyhow, he hooked up with this girl a few years ago and she was smokin' hot. When I first met her, I thought she was way too hot to be hooking up with him. Well, about ten minutes later I realized that she was just as bat-shit crazy as he is. "They" ended up having two kids and I don't think either one was his. I'm almost positive that the first one was someone else's.

So just remember this. No matter how good she looks, somewhere, someone is sick of her shit.
I wouldn't call these rules, but they certainly help.

1. Dress respectably.

2. Groom yourself. Brush your teeth. Clip your nails. Shave. Wear deodorant and cologne if you can. Actually, make sure you wear the right cologne. It's important. I'd say the right scent is more important than how you an extent.

3. Exercise a bit. Us guys like a girl with a nice body, and women are no different.

4. Learn how to talk to people. Notice I said people, and not women. You need to know how to shoot the shit. Just talk, have fun. I have a friend who is 6'7" and probably 180 lbs. He's skinny as fuck and straight up goofy looking but he pulls in gorgeous women because he can just talk about whatever and have a good time with the girl he's talking to. You need to talk to someone you're interested in like you were talking to a friend. You don't bumble your words when you're talking with your buddies, it just flows. Ya know what I'm saying? Also, good conversation hints at intelligence. :)

That's all I got. No manipulation. No macho b.s. Just honesty and confidence...and maybe some nice shoes and a watch ;)

:2 cents:


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Diva's right. Money and wang shalang are only two out of a hundred things on the checklist.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here's the magic, universal code: never give up!!!

It doesn't matter if you're talking about business, dating or most anything else. The people who find success in life are the ones who don't get discouraged... and NEVER GIVE UP!

Think about it. The guy who gives up after asking two girls to dance and both say no, he will go home alone. But that insufferable bastard who asks 20 girls to dance before one says yes... well now, that ol' boy has intestinal fortitude. He may not get the girl of his dreams and fantasies, but he will not go home alone.

As far as I'm concerned, that's the only universal code.
4. Learn how to talk to people. Notice I said people, and not women. You need to know how to shoot the shit. Just talk, have fun. I have a friend who is 6'7" and probably 180 lbs. He's skinny as fuck and straight up goofy looking but he pulls in gorgeous women because he can just talk about whatever and have a good time with the girl he's talking to. You need to talk to someone you're interested in like you were talking to a friend. You don't bumble your words when you're talking with your buddies, it just flows. Ya know what I'm saying? Also, good conversation hints at intelligence. :)

Yes this one's a key, along with a) having a sense of humor and b) being an attentive listener and proving as much by asking germane follow up questions.


Closed Account

Not a clue...

So far places where I´ve picked up chicks have included:
An elevator
A train
A puddle of water outside my apartment
Bars and pubs
Private parties

There have been times which included alcohol, and times when we were blind stinking sober.

The point is, there is no set parameter for picking up a one morning/afternoon/night stand. I just go with the flow.
Having a big wang has ZERO to do with pulling ass.

It's about one ore more of the following...

Having money. You already know this, so no discussion necessary.

Having an air of confidence...this can include a lot of things, but having a personality that women are attracted to means a lot. Being funny, standing out in the crowd of guys with a unique and distinctive persona, doing things that catch their eye...this is a very hard thing to describe, but some guys just have an ability to attract women with the way that they act around other people

Do something "cool"....again, hard to quantify...but musicians have this. I swear, I knew a guy in college who sang in a band...other than that, this guy had nothing going for him. He was losing his hair at 21, he had bad skin, no money, lived in a shitbox apartment, but he pulled hot ass like it was nobody's business.

That's all I have time for now, but that's a start. #2 is most important.
Having a big wang certainly helps,.. it gives you more confidence. That's why you see so many black men with White girls, and the girls love them. Also if your a White dude visiting Asia, the girls will climb all over your dick because they know they getting a good package, along with worldly romantic personality.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
A rag soaked in ether or chloroform will do the job.


Whoever draws up a set of guide lines on this is a fucking genius......Like the pirate's code. Oh before this self deflects, I do get the occasional ride but to be brutally honest I don't know how.....I suspect it has something to do with being in the right place at the right time and well the chicks....Are well....Quite frankly horny.

Discuss fellow perverts. Banter may it flow.

Umm, numerous studies have proved that the vast majority of chicks including porn stars not only couldn't give a fuck about the size of guys dick, but viscerally dislike huge cocks because it hurts when they get fucked by them.


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I don't see how penis size would even factor into the initial process of picking up a chick anyway. You have to rely on other merits to get her to like you before she even sees your penis. Are you supposed to whip it out? One qualm I have with porn is that it pollutes the mind with these silly notions like having a big cock will automatically make a girl swoon.