Re: would like to cancel my account Jeez! Don't you mean it aggravates the bejesus OUT OF you?
~~whimsy~~ Oct 19, 2010 #21 Re: would like to cancel my account Jeez! Don't you mean it aggravates the bejesus OUT OF you?
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Oct 19, 2010 #22 Re: would like to cancel my account Andronicus Ry said: Yeah, that was Mandarin for, "Fuck both of you." Loose translation. So I left a couple of words out, big deal. Act like you two have never made any goddamn mistakes... (Assholes) Click to expand... This is the thanks I get for giving you your angry, screaming Russian?
Re: would like to cancel my account Andronicus Ry said: Yeah, that was Mandarin for, "Fuck both of you." Loose translation. So I left a couple of words out, big deal. Act like you two have never made any goddamn mistakes... (Assholes) Click to expand... This is the thanks I get for giving you your angry, screaming Russian?
U unknownuser2 Nov 20, 2010 #23 can one of the moderators delete my account? i don't care who it is just get rid of it. Thank you.
Supafly Retired Mod Bronze Member Nov 20, 2010 #25 Hm you are an unknownuser, and number two... that is pretty anonymious lol
PlasmaTwa2 The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement Nov 20, 2010 #26 turtle825 said: Send a PM to Petra. Click to expand... The turtle has this one covered. Only an admin has that kind of power.
turtle825 said: Send a PM to Petra. Click to expand... The turtle has this one covered. Only an admin has that kind of power.
Ike Stain Approved Content Owner Approved Content Owner Dec 10, 2010 #28 I'm sick of these Anonymous users requesting to be deleted!
V VofBlisiops Guest Dec 28, 2010 #29 delete ac well...I learned something new today on to delete an account. The admins. will take care of you, no questions asked. Can you transfer an account to another? I wonder thats allowed here or how it works without members confusing you with another.
delete ac well...I learned something new today on to delete an account. The admins. will take care of you, no questions asked. Can you transfer an account to another? I wonder thats allowed here or how it works without members confusing you with another.
L lurkingdirk Oct 6, 2011 #34 You made one post in order to close an account? How 'bout just never log in again?
busenbust ^^^^ Oct 6, 2011 #35 colstorz said: im wanting to have my account deleted also Click to expand... :hammer: :drama: :noway: we welcome your input !! :hairpull:
colstorz said: im wanting to have my account deleted also Click to expand... :hammer: :drama: :noway: we welcome your input !! :hairpull:
D dwyk321 Guest Oct 9, 2011 #36 Re: delete account freeones_regina said: Closed, move along! Click to expand... hey.. can you delete my account?
Re: delete account freeones_regina said: Closed, move along! Click to expand... hey.. can you delete my account?
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Oct 10, 2011 #37 :sing:You can logout any time you like, but you can never leave!:sing:
FreeOnes_Anders Closed Account Dec 5, 2011 #40 rausmade said: Can you please also delete my account? Thanks in advance! Click to expand... If you want to close your account you first need to provide us with a proper account.
rausmade said: Can you please also delete my account? Thanks in advance! Click to expand... If you want to close your account you first need to provide us with a proper account.