How to cancel premium account

Today I went to this site and I saw the "offer".
1$ for one day.
I registered and payed but I discovered that this registration was only to become member not to see videos, I know I'm stupid...or they are very clever, however I want to cancel my account because I think that they may charge other money on my card (fortunately it's a prepaid card)but I don't know how to do this, someone can help me? Sorry if this is the wrong zone of the forum and sorry for my english. ;)

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I love those "deals". Future reference, never give your card to a porn site unless the billing is through a legit Credit Card company that manages the transactions.
When a site has a name like flag!!!! Let me see, should I just walk away or give them my credit card number and all my personal information...uum, tough choice there.
No, I'm pretty sure you're just stupid.
I wanted to try and I didn't give them my credit card but a prepaied card with 10$ on it.
On the site I found this:
Credits Auto-Reload
Auto-reload On OFF
Conveniently your account will be aut fulled when your balance reaches below $5 credits

I have to change the card or now is ok? I set the option to off...
I wanted to try and I didn't give them my credit card but a prepaied card with 10$ on it.
On the site I found this:
Credits Auto-Reload
Auto-reload On OFF
Conveniently your account will be aut fulled when your balance reaches below $5 credits

I have to change the card or now is ok? I set the option to off...

only time will tell :)

I have no idea how "honest" the company is.