How the US Should Be According to Me


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
xfire when you are in prison and on parole/probation you do not have civil liberties therefore you have ZERO right to vote. I also don't think people in jail should have TV or internet. They should fucking have as little as possible.

I know, I was a CO3 with TDCJ for a few years. Being incarcerated sucks, even when you get to go home after an 8-16/hr shift, and I think the loss of freedom is plenty punishment. Stripping rights away, in my mind, is excessive, but we can agree to disagree on that point. I agree with most of the rest of your platform.
If you're in prison why should you expect anything other than the minimum things you need to live? What right do you feel people have to ANY luxury which the internet and cable tv are. There are people busting their asses at work that can't afford cable so why should someone doing a stretch get it for free? I think we should offer them a library and school, and that's it. Try and rehab them not give them things to make it easier. Fuck that.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I worked at a minimum security facility, they were transitioning to maximum security, it wasn't a real hard ass prison but was slowly becoming one by the time I left. I agree, they have no right to expect luxuries, but some things just make sense. For example, our guys had two tv's, one on each end of the common room, usually sports on one and some sort of family-oriented movie on the other. Two tv's divided between sixty men per cell block. It was a good distraction that kept a lot of them from gang banging. Yes, they gang bang in prison. It's fucking dangerous for everyone. They didn't have air conditioning in their cells, but they did have heat in the winter. I think if they at least had some fans in their cells they might not have been so rowdy in the summer, Texas heat is pretty fucking intense and can make anyone bitchy. I'm certainly not advocating for making their stays pleasant, but to treat them brutally won't produce a good end result. For the most part all of our inmates either worked or took classes, the few that didn't want to work or learn were on cell restriction, and that's not fun, either. Inmates have a choice, they can either do the time or let the time do them. The guys that let the time do them have serious problems when they finally get out.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
And torture does work. Every hear the term "Everybody breaks" it shoudln't be legal for police unless someone's life is at stake as in someone has been kidnapped and is in imminent danger.

Even if that is possible, if you open the door for torture, hey, look at the new school of policing: DO NOT HESITATE, SHOOT. ESPECIALLY IF BLACK AND NOT PART OF WALL STREET.

If it gets allowed in some cases, more and more cases will so officers can abuse citizens.

The death penalty isn't perfect but do you think Jeffery Dahmer deserved to have meals and a place to sleep and clean clothes to wear? Fuck no. he was a fucking monster and he got his justice. But too many "high profile" inmates are protected from general population. That's bullshit. Throw them all in a fucking cage and make it a reality show like the old days with the gladiators. Fuck them. if you murder someone, you get murdered as punishment by ways 100 times worse than the way you committed your murder.

Nobody should be put to death, unless it is selfdefense. The moment you decide someone is a monster or whatever, you are crossing the line into their domain.


Every institution, everybody can be taxed. Churches who possess and make money from their possessions and do lobbying should be no exception.

Will E Worm


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
People in prison should not be able to vote while still in the process of paying their debt to society. If you are incarcerated then you couldn't follow the law and shouldn't have the ability to put people in office that make laws.

Once you are released and paid your debt your privilege should be reinstated however.

Provided you aren't on probation. If you're out because of good behavior, you are making a concerted effort, you deserve the reward after you've proven you can make it through probation.
I consider your debt paid once the terms of probation have been met and if there is any restitution due to the victim(s).

Which raises a good point, why should someone that is incarcerated be allowed to vote when there may be someone out there that is their victim that may have suffered great harm due to their actions.