How Skyraider celebrated with his wife when promoted to Sgt.

He put on his finest and gave her a pedicure and manicure of a life time!! :nanner:


Way to take care of your woman Sgt. Big Daddy! You look pretty handsome being all dolled up... ;)
:rofl: Skyraider's gonna need his own website soon with all the comments and pics of him Ive seen of him on here.
You know he prints them out and puts them in his FreeOnes Precious Memories photo album.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Mrs. Sky should definitely be the only wearing any lingerie...


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
He looks like a young James Earl Jones from Conan The Barbarian :)
I'm guessing that the reason Skyraider himself isn't posting on this thread is because it's kind of racially charged.