I'm a disgruntled patriot I guess...shit had better change, and change soon...and I mean ACTUALLY change...
Good debate in this thread about Nationalism...it's a slippery slope...I'm all for being proud of where you come from, your heritage, your culture, your history...but "nationalism" can be revved up into a fervor with devastating results.
But, hell yeah, I'm proud to be an American. Just not happy with the state of affairs as they sit right now.
I definitely see your point about nationalism... although, in the US we are so divided along "partisan/ideological" lines, seemingly on a cellular or even genetic level these days, that I seriously doubt our ability to agree enough on something as big as say, revolution, to muster the necessary, collective fervor to be able to accomplish anything too devastating.
That, and we are as apathetic and as lazy a country as they come these days when you get down to it.