No problem Ash! Unlike your father (NO offence meant at all), I don't feel he was really a Christian if he cheated on your mother and did all of that. Men who cheat rank VERY low in my eyes. I hate to pass judgement but yeah, it is my own personal feelings. Even though I own a bible and believe in it I keep it to myself but yes, when the subject is brought up I will say that I believe. I was raised in a devout Catholic family and I still attend Mass regularly. I am here because like ALL human beings--like you on down to me, ect--I am a sexual creature with desires. I LOVE seeing the female human flesh. I have wanten needs & desires like all. And I currently do not like with my girlfriend who is abroad teaching French in Vietnam. I enjoy naked bare breasts and nice buttocks and oui, sexy accents as wel. Also I DO NOT personally believe that supporting the adult film industry is wrong. Also some stars such as Lexington Steele and others have faith as well if you check they're English language entries. Some scumbags like Max Hardcore (who is currently rotting in jail to the best of my knowledge) I don't feel practice it or else he wouldn't produce the kind of material that he does, so I CAN NOT speak for everyone. Naturally.
But I believe there is an afterlife and I love and am comfortbale in my faith. It's something that a a Catholic/Christian radiates deep down within me. I am not so Conservative on all issues. Does it really bother others or make them curious that I am judgemental or something? *lol* I am most certainly NOT here to 'save' anybody. I do hope everyone is saved before they die, but with billions of people on our bickering planet, that is they're personal business, just as mine own is my own. So I guess we all share verying degrees of our own Christianity teachings. I just try to be a morally good person. What, I can't enjoy the healthy expresions of human sexuality on the free tube sites and the free photo galleries where I know where to get them? Of course I can!

heh heh
Oh I also consider myself a regular adult film industry viewer, so I am one myself. Also: You are a naked webcam girl. While I have watched your shower shows and cum shows for free, you have never shot a hardcore photo session or appear in a modern day reality porn video shoot or a hardcore movie shoot that is set to appear on DVD (honestly though: You have in my fantasies, if you must know ...

:o:1orglaugh), so I would techically, just to be playfully technical, NOT really consider you apart of the adult film industry. Not until or unless you go hardcore and have a paysite as you plan to in the future and begin selling three times the videos that you do and you and a current boyfriend or older sugar daddy appears with you in the video or other women, ect. Anything you wanna share with us my dearest Ash about supposedly being 'porn gal'? lol I'm just somewhat playing with you by the way so don't get too upset, now.

*hugs* Hope this kind-hearted and non-judgmental I feel person of Faith answered your questions to the best of my knowledge and that you don't really feel bothered that I find you VERY attractive and consider myself a fan of your's. I also hope they keep they're faith as I'm sure many of theym are good people as well. And I hope maybe in a few years you can go to church to, if you feel the need deep down inside to go to a house of worship and to make friends. We're not all bad people, as you know. And many of us practice what we preach and hear get preached to us.

Perhaps your former drug & alcoholic father wasn't the best example of a person of faith to you so early in life, by the way. I'm just throwin' that out there as I was thinking about it. *shrugs*
By the way ask around: I am not the only person of faith on this board. Look around if you wish and have fun.