How old is our Planet Earth?

How very old is our Planet Earth?

  • Always been here.

    Votes: 5 8.1%
  • 4+ Billion Years

    Votes: 51 82.3%
  • 100,000+ Years

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • 10,000+ years

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • 6000+ years

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • Today is the first day. All memories from before time were implanted by God/the Aliens.

    Votes: 3 4.8%

  • Total voters
Oh.......I would say its at least half an hour old, you know give or take a few billion years. :rolleyes:

With all the evidence in the world the religious folk still wouldnt believe it no matter how good of a case you make, and they always bring up a few mistakes in the research that have been corrected by even more sensitive dating techniques, but no science made a mistake.

"I'm going to bury my head in the sand and I'm not listening anymore!"

So what do the religious folk believe, they believe a book written almost 2 thousand years ago........

Nothing much more to say is there :dunno:

The bible is more like 1400-1800 years old & written by over 40 authors... & people still wonder why Muslims claim Christianity has been led astray...

(the Qu'ran was written 1 year after Muhammad's death, by his closest companions)'an

OK, let's accept the Biblical version.6000 years is around 300 generations , in that time the population has gone up from 2 to about 10 billion.Wow!

You're forgetting that between then & now, God committed genocide. (the ark of Noah) You're also forgetting that people got much older then (that means less generations). According to the bible, people got to be around 600 years old...

Anyway, the current theories claim that the earth is about 4 billion years old. If other, better theories will claim something else in the future I'll go with that.
It's in the billions unless you're a particularly loopy monotheist in which case it's 6,000+ years old. Doesn't explain quite how there are so many humans on the planet of course - unless people in the Bible were having a lot more kids than the authors let on. Anyway, we're all entitled to our own superstition. Just keep it away from my kids.

Right! Like the babble was god inspired. Why didn't he write it and give it to us in a perfect way?
The bible is more like 1400-1800 years old & written by over 40 authors... & people still wonder why Muslims claim Christianity has been led astray...

(the Qu'ran was written 1 year after Muhammad's death, by his closest companions)'an

You're forgetting that between then & now, God committed genocide. (the ark of Noah) You're also forgetting that people got much older then (that means less generations). According to the bible, people got to be around 600 years old...

I did say almost 2 thousand years.

I wish I could live to be 600, think of the pussy you could get. I mean look at Noah he didnt need deoderant he just walked around all day smelling of pussy and people loved him because of it, I've even hear small cats would gather round him day and night just to catch a glimps of the great fish he had hidden within (sorry ladies, I couldnt help myself). But I suppose my years drinking kittens blood and sacrificing virgins to Voltron has pissed God off a wee bit.

Frankly I'm surprised I'm still alive now . . . I'm planning to resurrect Steve Martins comedy career next wednesday, who knows what untold things I'm going to have shoved up my ass in Hell because of that!

Religious people can't allow themselves to beleive its that old.If they did it would undermine most of what the bible and other religions teach as fundamental truths and their faith in the truth of their religious teachings would be severly undermined.Creationism teaches the earth and everything else was created about 10,000 yeas ago which of course scientifically is ridiculous.

don't lump all "religious people" in the same group, and don't make such absolute statements about them.

what about the whole intelligent design argument?

what about creational evolution?

lets reword your statement:
"incautious, fundamentalist, and unquestioning (though they would celebrate their intellect as a God-given gift, only to ignore it) 'Christians' often get bogged down in the ridiculous and out-of-date belief that the book of Genesis solidly concludes the earth is 6,000 or so years old. In reality these people should pull their heads out of their ass."

what about the whole intelligent design argument?

what about creational evolution?

what about them? they are bullshit made up by religious people to try and trick the public into thinking that they don't believe in the stupid shit that they do. Everyone knows that if you say God created the universe they'd laugh at you, so instead they just came up with "intelligent designer".

The bible is incompatible with scientific discovery. It says that God created the universe in seven days and that He created the earth, the stars and the moon in that order and that those are the literal words that He passed down into the ears of his followers.

If you want to believe in that, then fine, more power to you. But don't try to bullshit us into asserting that religion is science, because it's not. The idea that everything we don't understand is because it is part of a spiritual realm beyond human explanation worked pretty well ten thousand years ago when we didn't know anything else but what the bible said. And now that that has been proven wrong, religious people have been forced to admit scientific facts or else no one would ever take them seriously, but they still hold onto that same rational and every time a new discovery is made that further proves them wrong, they just keep repeating it, hoping that one day they will be right.

well I guess they will one day, because people are never going to know everything, but that isn't a good enough reason for me to think that they should just accept it as unknowable and stop looking for answers, which is what "God" comes down to.

Will E Worm

what about them? they are bullshit made up by religious people to try and trick the public into thinking that they don't believe in the stupid shit that they do. Everyone knows that if you say God created the universe they'd laugh at you, so instead they just came up with "intelligent designer".

Religious people can't allow themselves to beleive its that old.If they did it would undermine most of what the bible and other religions teach as fundamental truths and their faith in the truth of their religious teachings would be severly undermined.Creationism teaches the earth and everything else was created about 10,000 yeas ago which of course scientifically is ridiculous.

:sleep: :tongue:

"When we descend to details, we can prove that no one species has changed; nor can we prove that the supposed changes are beneficial, which is the groundwork of the theory [of evolution]." Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. 2, editor Francis Darwin (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1898), p. 210

No Transitional Forms | Fossils Refute Evolution
“ If there are no transitional forms found in the fossil record then my theory is false” – Charles Darwin
:sleep: :tongue:

"When we descend to details, we can prove that no one species has changed; nor can we prove that the supposed changes are beneficial, which is the groundwork of the theory [of evolution]." Charles Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Vol. 2, editor Francis Darwin (New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1898), p. 210

No Transitional Forms | Fossils Refute Evolution
“ If there are no transitional forms found in the fossil record then my theory is false” – Charles Darwin

Here are some details on transitional forms. I do not know how much more proof you need Wille, but how do you still state the are no transitional forms?

so what the fuck does Charles Darwin have to do with whether or not god created the universe in seven days? you want to pick apart a theory that has some holes by substituting a theology that has zero evidence instead?
what about them? they are bullshit made up by religious people to try and trick the public into thinking that they don't believe in the stupid shit that they do. Everyone knows that if you say God created the universe they'd laugh at you, so instead they just came up with "intelligent designer".[\QUOTE]

no. this is just absolutely false.

The bible is incompatible with scientific discovery. It says that God created the universe in seven days and that He created the earth, the stars and the moon in that order and that those are the literal words that He passed down into the ears of his followers. [\QUOTE]

No, it doesn't. this is just absolutely false also.

If you want to believe in that, then fine, more power to you. But don't try to bullshit us into asserting that religion is science, because it's not. The idea that everything we don't understand is because it is part of a spiritual realm beyond human explanation worked pretty well ten thousand years ago when we didn't know anything else but what the bible said. And now that that has been proven wrong, religious people have been forced to admit scientific facts or else no one would ever take them seriously, but they still hold onto that same rational and every time a new discovery is made that further proves them wrong, they just keep repeating it, hoping that one day they will be right.[\QUOTE]

i haven't said that religion is science.
do you have any facts to back up what you say? or are you just speaking from your gut. either way, you're not saying anything.

well I guess they will one day, because people are never going to know everything, but that isn't a good enough reason for me to think that they should just accept it as unknowable and stop looking for answers, which is what "God" comes down to.

did i suggest we stop looking for answers? if you were just slightly less on the offensive i'd initiate a conversation with you about how believing in a "spiritual realm beyond human explanation" compels us to search for answers, but as you're just blathering, i'll stop checking this thread now.

seriously, man, you think people who are religious are all that stupid and closed minded? look who's being intolerant now.
do you have any facts to back up what you say? or are you just speaking from your gut. either way, you're not saying anything.

I'm not saying anything, and everything that I'm saying is false...

so you think that (by inferring the opposite of what I have said):

-religious people are not the ones that came up with the theory of intelligent design.

here's a good site with lots of citations, including the court case where ID was rejected for public schools on the basis of separation of church and state.

-the bible doesn't say the universe was created in 7 days and that God made the earth, the stars and the moon, in that order.

Genesis 2:2 said:
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

Genesis 1:10 said:
And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:15 said:
And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

Genesis 1:16 said:
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night

-in ancient history people did have the scientific knowledge that they had today, and didn't rely on the bible for their worldview.

Ok, you got me on that one.

-modern religious people don't agree with any scientific thinking or feel the need to validate it to give them credibility.

The Vatican and Aliens.

seriously, man, you think people who are religious are all that stupid and closed minded?

i'll stop checking this thread now.

way to be intelligent and open minded, ignore everything that you don't want to hear.

I believe that there are many mysteries of the universe that we have yet to solve, if ever. I believe that there is a mechanical process that unites all of the various theories, such as the as yet undiscovered equation between quantum gravity and general relativity. Scientists call this "the theory of everything", I don't mind calling it God.

But I don't believe that "God" possesses any emotional characteristics or personalty that is remotely resembling human philosophy. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell or Souls or that we need to be "saved", or that humanity and the Earth is the pinnacle of universal purpose anymore than every other speck of dust in the cosmos. And I don't believe in the Bible as the basis for how the universe operates, and certainly not as the basis for how human beings should govern society and their own lives. Anyone who thinks that the Bible is the only way to peace and love obviously has not read it. It's the most racist, sexist, and genocidal document ever written.
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I'm not saying anything, and everything that I'm saying is false...

so you think that (by inferring the opposite of what I have said):

-religious people are not the ones that came up with the theory of intelligent design.

here's a good site with lots of citations, including the court case where ID was rejected for public schools on the basis of separation of church and state.

-the bible doesn't say the universe was created in 7 days and that God made the earth, the stars and the moon, in that order.

-in ancient history people did have the scientific knowledge that they had today, and didn't rely on the bible for their worldview.

Ok, you got me on that one.

-modern religious people don't agree with any scientific thinking or feel the need to validate it to give them credibility.

The Vatican and Aliens.

way to be intelligent and open minded, ignore everything that you don't want to hear.

I believe that there are many mysteries of the universe that we have yet to solve, if ever. I believe that there is a mechanical process that unites all of the various theories, such as the as yet undiscovered equation between quantum gravity and general relativity. Scientists call this "the theory of everything", I don't mind calling it God.

But I don't believe that "God" possesses any emotional characteristics or personalty that is remotely resembling human philosophy. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell or Souls or that we need to be "saved", or that humanity and the Earth is the pinnacle of universal purpose anymore than every other speck of dust in the cosmos. And I don't believe in the Bible as the basis for how the universe operates, and certainly not as the basis for how human beings should govern society and their own lives. Anyone who thinks that the Bible is the only way to peace and love obviously has not read it. It's the most racist, sexist, and genocidal document ever written.

i love reading your posts. rep. much rep.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I'm religious, I just hate G_d.

I'm open minded, I just hate other religions.

I'm liberal.. I believe that a question like that has no answer. You cant prove this guy did it in a few days, you cant prove that it's millions OR billions. You cant prove shit. What the hell is so wrong with an unanswered question? People love to argue over shit that cant be proven. When something has no evidence either way.. and faith doesnt count as friggin' evidence.. take the middle ground. Am I the only chaotic neutral around here? :p

We cant prove science, we cant prove religion. Why argue? Take your vanity and fuck off. Fuck your god. Fuck your science. When they can prove it.. then you can make the argument and have your cupcake, too.

In the meantime goto the celeb topic and wank off to famous hotties, already.
way to be intelligent and open minded, ignore everything that you don't want to hear.

I believe that there are many mysteries of the universe that we have yet to solve, if ever. I believe that there is a mechanical process that unites all of the various theories, such as the as yet undiscovered equation between quantum gravity and general relativity. Scientists call this "the theory of everything", I don't mind calling it God.

But I don't believe that "God" possesses any emotional characteristics or personalty that is remotely resembling human philosophy. I don't believe in Heaven or Hell or Souls or that we need to be "saved", or that humanity and the Earth is the pinnacle of universal purpose anymore than every other speck of dust in the cosmos. And I don't believe in the Bible as the basis for how the universe operates, and certainly not as the basis for how human beings should govern society and their own lives. Anyone who thinks that the Bible is the only way to peace and love obviously has not read it. It's the most racist, sexist, and genocidal document ever written.

well done, creating quotes without my words. i'm not ignoring you because you're saying things i don't want to hear, either. i find your arguments unpersuasive, poorly crafted, based on generalities that are not true, and full of bias.

other than that, bang-up job.

thanks, i'll not respond again. my curiosity got the better of me this time.