How very old is the planet Earth? Do you believe with the modern reality? With myth from your religion or old civilization?
I like to think it's 10,000 years old and god does exist, but sometimes I get faithless and believe it's millions of years old.
I could not give an accurate guess or even believe if there is an actual fact on this.
but I went with 10,000+ years.
I believe close to what you both believe.
But, maybe a bit more. Possibly between ten to twenty thousand years old.
if the earth was only 20,00o years old how do you explain the lost civilization of reptiloids?
How can you believe that?
Scientists have found things older than that.
You have been listening to David Icke again.
So, they say.
Carbon 14 Dating has made "mistakes" before.
The biggest carbon 14 dating mistake.
It's not an accurate form of dating anything.
The earth is about 4 billions years old. However, the stuff its made of is over 13 billions years old. :yesyes:
If so, then why are the enviromentalists so up in arms, if the planet started out as recycled space garbage? ;-)
It's in the billions unless you're a particularly loopy monotheist in which case it's 6,000+ years old. Doesn't explain quite how there are so many humans on the planet of course - unless people in the Bible were having a lot more kids than the authors let on. Anyway, we're all entitled to our own superstition. Just keep it away from my kids.
Evidence has firmly established that the Earth is over 4 billion years old. I would think even most religious people would believe that.
Religious people can't allow themselves to beleive its that old.If they did it would undermine most of what the bible and other religions teach as fundamental truths and their faith in the truth of their religious teachings would be severly undermined.Creationism teaches the earth and everything else was created about 10,000 yeas ago which of course scientifically is ridiculous.
Religious people can't allow themselves to beleive its that old.If they did it would undermine most of what the bible and other religions teach as fundamental truths and their faith in the truth of their religious teachings would be severly undermined.Creationism teaches the earth and everything else was created about 10,000 yeas ago which of course scientifically is ridiculous.