When I was in high school, 30 seemed ancient. Now at 30, it doesn't seem so old...
My sophomores right now are 15 and 16 years old. We had a moment of silence on 9/11 and a brief discussion about the events during class. They were 2 and 3 years old when it happened. Everything they've learned about it has come from other sources. They were too young to remember or experience any of it. That made me feel fucking old.
I have to agree. It reminds me of this Toyota commercial:Gonna go with the cheesy, "age is a state of mind" answer.
I've met plenty of people in their 50s and 60s who are far more active, adventurous and young spirited than most 20-somethings.
I've had co-workers talk to me about games that played in school on Macs. Then I've politely explain that when the Macs came out, I had graduated and was in the military.
But, you at 27 years old, Mr_Balls ... heck no, you're not old.
If you were a Rock Star, you probably wouldn't be getting kicked out to pasture quite just yet.
Doh! That's right! There IS that speed bump that he'd have to worry about until he got past it.Mr_Stiffy said:Au contraire, if you were a rock star, 27 is about the age you might be considering shuffling off the mortal coil altogether...
40 to 65 is middle aged
Like Animus Fox said, it's all relative. I constantly get called young man in my job and even got called a kid by a customer the other day.