I'll like too see your sexy ass standing up in a pose. I love the way your juicy mouth watering ass just hang. I love your booty meat. I'll eat it all day. oh shit:-* that's my one for today lol
I must say .. you look perfect in that outfit ..
That ass is tight ~ wish i can grab it tight and bang it ^^
That is also one perfect pussy worth cumming over ^^
I used to be a competitive athlete throughout my 20's...I abstained from ALL forms of groinal pleasure the week prior to a race. Physically, I'm sure it didn't do anything, mentally...it made me a much more aggressive competitor!
I have a few wins to my name thanks in part to aching balls!! :1orglaugh
^^I remember watching a show about the myth of having sex before a game decreasing your drive. They proved it wrong and found that it increased the performance of the athlete.