Hi Chica, I masturbate and try to orgasm about once every day, irrespective of whether or not I have had sex with my husband. I just like to masturbate. Often my husband tugs himself and I spread my entrance so he can squirt inside me and I usually use his semen as lubricant. I HATE KY and other artificial lubricants - they make me burn inside. As well as masturbating, I often like to just have a finger or two inside myself when I am sleeping or reading a book or watching T.V. I find it relaxing and I am not trying to orgasm or anything and I am not masturbating as such, I just end up with some fingers inside. I nearly always relax with two fingers inside myself when I am reading a novel, it is absent minded and relaxing and often it is not until my husband walks past me in the lounge room and says something like "Christ honey have you found anything in there yet", that I actually realise that I have fingers inside again. So I am not sure if this counts for how many times do you masturbate. So now the world knows all about me now. Hope I do not sound to weird. Mel