It's amusing to see how "religion" and God are usually lumped together, so when someone rejects religion they just throw out the baby with the bathwater.
God has nothing to do with religion, except where the sect's ordained salesmen use God to sell their particular system.
Have a problem with human logic being applied to spiritual experience? Reject the belief create, propound, and perpetuate religion and if it doesn't fit move on.
God in whatever form is beyond the physical realm, and is deep within everyone's inner core of self. Or...if you feel the spirit, let it move you. Don't ask Reverend Headuphisass what the true path to enlightenment is.
Roughneck can explain that in better terms than I can, but realise this...wasting your time worrying about the illogic inherent in a belief system created by weak, lost, and confused men will keep you from finding your own personal peace. There is something beyond mere phsical reality, and opening yourself to awareness of what lies beyond your own immediate personal (and limited) experience can take you to a better and stronger place.
Calm in the face of adversity is not always found in personal strength, sometimes outside support can bring you through the worst shit...ask anyone who has had a near-death moment, or has seen things that can destroy most anyone's rationality ; there is something else beyond just who you are and what you know that transcends the immediate physical world, and it isn't something that can be put in a few neat phrases or an elequent philisophical treatise...this is often described as "God".
I like Conan the Barbarian's philosophy ...Crom put us here, now we're on our own. Crom doesn't care if we live or die, that's up to us to do what we need to do to get by.
Sounds about right...:2 cents: