Re: How big is your stash?
Actually I thought about that after it was too late. Sorry. Also I dont know how people here feel about resurrecting old threads either.
That really depends. If you begin bumping really old threads with no real purpose, then you will likely get in trouble. But if you don't bump too many, and you genuinely add something, then it's not a problem.
Usually it won't be if you create a new thread either. We encourage people to take part in the threads here, and sometimes a completely fresh thread will draw more people and new opinions that an old thread won't.
As for searching before posting, it's not so much a strict rule. Of course, please do so when needed, but it's not like it's necessarily a huge problem if you forget it or miss the old thread a few times.
I know that this board can seem quite overwhelming when you first begin looking around, and we want new members to feel welcome here, and not to feel intimidated and afraid of making simple little mistakes.
If we find that you're just spamming a lot of new threads, there will of course be consequences, just as if you needlessly bump too many threads.
Other than that, welcome to the board. Enjoy your stay, please read the rules, and feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
Oh and my stash varies BTW.