How much porn do u have on ur PC?

About four and a half terabites.

Really I hear you say? no not really. I lost what I had when the old laptop said "fuck you, I'm off" and it's HDD packed in and wouldn't work anymore. BASTARD!.
On my actual computer, about 30 pictures, on my hard drive i have about 80GB, had way over 100G a while ago but i deleted a lot of it. Used to download a lot of scenes, but havent done so for a long time now
And all the crappy music was lost, too. :(

If that were true then it would be a blessing in disguise. As it stands it's not. But yes I did lose music as well. But thankfully some of the rare stuff I had was already on my MP3 player. So I just copied it over to the new laptop when it arrived YAY!.
terror bite


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You're all amateurs.......
