How Many People Do u Know

Ok here are the ones I seen until I got too tired. lol

chairman mao
pele (the soccer player)
gengis khan
bill clinton
saddam hussien
atillia the hun
elvis presley
the guy on the white horse is either Napoleon, or Paul Reaver, or George Washington. Not too sure.
fidel castro
Marlon Brandon as the godfather.
yesser erafat
tenor singer pavarotti
george walker bush
julius caeser
ludwig von beethoven
bruce lee
pablo pacaso
michealango the painter, not the ninga turtle. lol
leonardo davinci
basketball player I will assume to be micheal jordan.
christopher columbus
marilyn monroe
queen elizabeth II
prince charles
charlie chaplin
abraham lincoln
albert eistein
mike tyson
shirley temple
mother theresa
osama bin ladin perhaps.
margerat thatcher or possible hillary clinton.
robert e lee
ulysses s grant

bible people
enoch and elisha
I can see Pele, Adolf Hitler, Gengis Kahn, Corleone, Julius Caesar, Bruce Lee, Mahatma Gandhi, William Shakespeare, Charlie Chaplin, Abraham Lincoln and Micheal Jordan.
Aside from those already mentioned, I'd add
and I'd say the guy on the far right wearing a Pickelhaube is supposed to be Bismarck and the guy next to Hitler and Hussein is probably Mussolini.
Oh, and suprisingly, noone spotted Karl Marx, sitting at the big, red table.
And the man with the hat and the cigarette next to Elvis isn't Harrison Ford, that's Oppenheimer.

The bearded man next to Ghandi could be Confucius.

Who is the man next to Clinton? I know him and I've seen him before, but I can't for the life of me remember, who that is.
No one saw Nietzsche or Marx, that's a shame. They're sitting in between Lincoln and who I'm assuming might be Aristotle or in fact any old Greek for that matter.

Is that Tolstoy with the accordion just above Einstein? And the guy standing above Jordan is Salvador Dalí (I think).

This is supposed to be Hell, right? :D

Looks like a fun place if it is.

EDIT: Shindekudasai beat me to it.
EDIT: Shindekudasai beat me to it.
Yeah baby! :D

who I'm assuming might be Aristotle or in fact any old Greek for that matter.
I'd say it's Leonardo da Vinci. But I'm not sure.

Is that Tolstoy with the accordion just above Einstein?
That could very well be.

I can't stop looking at the picture either, as I should definitely know more of those people.

I think, the guy sitting next to Tyson is supposed to be Vladimir Putin.
And when you look at the background a bit to the part with the Exodus and the Gizeh pyramids, there's Osama Bin Laden.

And the guy in the garden on the right is not Caesar Agustus, it's Dante.
Beneath Che Gueavara that's Goethe.

And I believe the person with facial hair extraordinaire next to Hussein is Maxim Gorky.
And the guy sitting next to Chaplin is probably either Edward Teller (as there is an atom bomb explosion on the tv above him) or Henry Ford (as there's a toy car in front of him).

The woman holding the bowl of fruit is Marie Curie and the guy with the cup of coffee is Eisenhower, which I wouldn't know, if I didn't have to know both of them for work. These paintings are derived from very rare pictures taken of these two. ;)

The guy kneeling on the far right side is probably Hideki Tojo, which would fit.

So, that's it, I'm out.
Ah, yes. I see it now. That might actually be Aristotle up by Lenin?

It could be Aristotle. But he is usually depicted either with a book or as a statesman. So I'm not sure. And the hair isn't right.
Could also be Plato. He is usually depicted in red and the face fits better.
But it could also be Homer. But he'd miss the headband and the walking stick.

And maybe Hemingway next to Elvis?
I'd say that's Hemingway, yeah. Would explain the liquor bottle (maybe Absinth).

I just looked the painting up online. It was made by three Chinese painters. Obviously they didn't know that much about European (political) philosophy. ;) It explains why George W. Bush is on that painting, while I don't see people like Toqueville, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Kant etc.
And it explains, why the only Japanese I've discovered so far is Hideki Tojo, a convicted and executed WWII general. If you think the American despise the French or the Swiss despise the Germans, you've never been to Nanking and told someone you were Japanese.
It could be Aristotle. But he is usually depicted either with a book or as a statesman. So I'm not sure. And the hair isn't right.
Could also be Plato. He is usually depicted in red and the face fits better.
But it could also be Homer. But he'd miss the headband and the walking stick.

Those are all quite possible.

I just looked the painting up online. It was made by three Chinese painters. Obviously they didn't know that much about European (political) philosophy. ;) It explains why George W. Bush is on that painting, while I don't see people like Toqueville, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Kant etc.
And it explains, why the only Japanese I've discovered so far is Hideki Tojo, a convicted and executed WWII general. If you think the American despise the French or the Swiss despise the Germans, you've never been to Nanking and told someone you were Japanese.

For some reason I was under the assumption an American had painted this. I don't really have a reason why I thought that, I just did.

But that does explain why there are no "Founding fathers" within the painting other than either Thomas Paine or Sam Adams (I can't tell) on the extreme right of the picture. I guess they either forgot them or didn't feel the rest of them were of much importance. You could bet Washington and maybe even Jefferson would have had far more prominent roles to play within the painting if a westerner had decided to paint this piece.
For some reason I was under the assumption an American had painted this. I don't really have a reason why I thought that, I just did.

But that does explain why there are no "Founding fathers" within the painting other than either Thomas Paine or Sam Adams (I can't tell) on the extreme right of the picture. I guess they either forgot them or didn't feel the rest of them were of much importance. You could bet Washington and maybe even Jefferson would have had far more prominent roles to play within the painting if a westerner had decided to paint this piece.

At first, I thought so, too. But then I realized the same thing you did and that there are too many (non-Japanese) people from East and Southeast Asia on the painting for an American to have painted it.
Anyways, you don't have to understand all the choices, but most of these people played a pretty important role in their area of expertise. If someone from Germany would have painted it, Michael Jordan, Osama Bin Laden or George W. Bush would probably not be on it, but instead perhaps Carl-Friedrich Benz, Johann Sebastian Bach, Friedrich the Great, Martin Luther, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Friedrich Schiller, Arminius (Hermann), Robert Koch, Max Planck, Richard Wagner, Ludwig Erhardt, Konrad Adenauer, Immanuel Kant, Werner von Siemens, Hindenburg or the Brothers Grimm. ;)

Edit: I found a website where someone tries to identify all of the people in the painting. He does a pretty good job finding most of them. Some of his identifications are still plausible and some I'd say he didn't get right. But impressive nonetheless. Click here
At first, I thought so, too. But then I realized the same thing you did and that there are too many (non-Japanese) people from East and Southeast Asia on the painting for an American to have painted it.

I probably would have come to the same conclusion in time.

Anyways, you don't have to understand all the choices, but most of these people played a pretty important role in their area of expertise. If someone from Germany would have painted it, Michael Jordan, Osama Bin Laden or George W. Bush would probably not be on it, but instead perhaps Carl-Friedrich Benz, Johann Sebastian Bach, Friedrich the Great, Martin Luther, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Friedrich Schiller, Arminius (Hermann), Robert Koch, Max Planck, Richard Wagner, Ludwig Erhardt, Konrad Adenauer, Immanuel Kant, Werner von Siemens, Hindenburg or the Brothers Grimm. ;)

I'm sure no one would agree on all the choices placed within this painting. I'm also sure no one could reprimand the artists for inserting a little nationalistic pride and personal choice into the mix - it's their painting after all. As you say I'm sure if three artists from another nation decided to paint this; different people would have been inserted.

Edit: I found a website where someone tries to identify all of the people in the painting. He does a pretty good job finding most of them. Some of his identifications are still plausible and some I'd say he didn't get right. But impressive nonetheless. Click here

I was wondering who that guy was in the top left hand corner with the glasses. Looks more like Garrison Keillor than Bill Gates. :D


noone else saw osama bin laden? he's at the end of the line of what looks to be statues that are going towards the pyramids
the "god father" iss 3 persons to the right of napoleon