How long have you been playing video games?

Since i was about 9 i guess i started of on the tennis game (Two lines & a dot) with the 2 controllers with the turning things on top. then a commadore 64, > then a spectrum zx, then a master system, then a mega drive & super snes, then ps1, Nintendo 64, ps2, xbox, xbox360
For a heck of a long time now. The first game i played,and was bought was Astro Wars which i loved, it was a little box and it was plainly a space invaders style game. Then came the NES which i've to hold my hands up and say i played on my mates a lot but never owned 1 i was waiting for the SNES
I then got the Mega Drive and in a momment of madness bought the mega crap attachment the MEGA CD, then came the ultimate in crapness the SEGA SATURN. Then the PS1 and now bang up to date with the PS2 and now the XBOX.As yet i haven't got the 360 and i'll think i'll hold out for The Breadbin a.k.a. The PS3
Since the Binatone days of the tennis game as mentioned in post 44.

My first computer however was the Spectrum 48k (rubber Keys:))
and my first games for it was Manic Miner and pole position as well as Space invaders lol
Well I've been playing since I was 2 so about 17 years. Sonic the Hedgehog represent!
25 years for me. Started when I was 8 going to the local arcade places. My fondest memory from those days was that I was becoming well known there as a top player in some of those games. A few times I drew crowds around me just watching me play. Then I got an Atari 2600, moved on to a Commodore 64, then a Super NES, and now a PC and both playstations.


are you talking to me?
started playing with my Amstrad CPC464 back in 1984! (wow it's been 22 years!!!)