How long can you abstain from ejaculation? Post the number of days it's been.

The thread is about abstaining from ejaculation. I'm testing a new theory of mine to make your cock bigger and increase the amount of cum when you blow your load without drugs or some other bullshit products.

I jerk off to the point where I'm about to ejaculate (you all know what I'm talking about) and then I stop, then I'll keep jerking until I get to that point again. I'll repeat the process several times.

of course the first couple times I've attempted this method i ended up blowing my load. So it takes practice and discipline.

Anybody have any science to back up my theory?

Tried it. Can go to about the 4th time then the balls start to ache. The orgasm is a big and rewarding one.


Closed Account
Wouldn't tracking your abstinence from whacking or fucking on a porn site be like going to a bar and chalking off days of sobriety?

You have to see the irony and 'epic fail' potential in that practice..:o Odds are you won't make it to day 3.

As far as I understand abstinence, sobriety and the don't actually have to be conscientiously resisting the temptation every second in order for the clock to tick.

Wouldn't that be impossible anyway since you would literally be consuming every second of your thought processes conscientiously resisting an impulse?O-º

The goal is 40 days. However, if I don't see an increase in penis size or it starts to hurt. Then I will reject my hypothesis


Closed Account
You dionysus18,

like i said it takes discipline. And yes the orgasm is rewarding. Now imagine if you have abastained for lets say a month or even half a month.
The goal is 40 days. However, if I don't see an increase in penis size or it starts to hurt. Then I will reject my hypothesis

Shall I save you some time or would you like your disappointment to be a surprise?:o
Is it even possible to quit masturbating or having sex? I find it rather impossible. If I go a few days without masturbating, I get very horny all the time and get turned on by the slightest thing. My sex drive cannot stand that kind of abstinence.
being that i don't have a life, i know how long i can go wanking and not ejaculate=5 hrs, all the while looking at tgp's and posting relevant links here. being ambidextrious(spelling?) helps.
days without jerking? as many as i want, but i always want to and see no reason to deny myself the pleasure. most gone is a few months.
days without sex? as many as there are until i find a girl willing and worthwhile, which can be years.
i need to get out more!


Closed Account
Shall I save you some time or would you like your disappointment to be a surprise?:o

Yo Hot Mega.

I'm not trying to add inches to my dick.

I'm trying to abstain from ejaculating and walk around with a hard cock and sport it in my jeans. haha.

Kind of like that one movie 40 days and 40 nights. You ever seen that one? It had that one guy in it from Black Hawk Down. You 'member
I used to be pretty good without doing it, but the past 2 years have changed me. I can't go more than a day now. I just start thinking about it and when im finally alone ill do it for hours!
I have no clue, probably about a week...but its pun intended. Thankfully my gf gives me plenty of attention, and so I do..


Closed Account
Yo Diva,

I see you are a thorough mofo. Let me clarify.

INCHES was the operative word. I'm not trying to add INCHES to my dick.

But I used to be able to do the towel rack for days (if you don't know what the towel rack is then you're a virgin or have an extremely tiny or skinny penis).

Long story dick doesn't get as hard or stay as hard as it used to. I'm discouraged because I'm a young man. I asked a doctor about it and she said its because I smoke too much reefer. (idiot)

I can attribute my lacking erection to many different factors in my life, but the number 1 factor I believe is the frequency I ejaculate. Hence the thread. Pot smoking is another factor but it has not been a problem for me to quit smoking so I did not start a thread about abstaining from pot; however I am curious to find out how many of you pud whackers smoke bud. My stressful and toxic relationship is another factor, but she can still get my dick hard so no thread about how I hate my GF. Someone already started that thread probably.

Anyways Diva. Your thoughts?
Hmm. My thoughts. I'm not into the sticky icky very much. I didn't realize it affected your dong. I'm glad I only eat it every couple months.

You think you ejaculate too much? And stress could be it I guess. I'm no doctor though. At least you're trying to fix it.

I really don't know what to say.


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe