How I irritate the seat neighbour in the airplane

1. unpack the laptop
2. slowly and carefully open
3. switch on
4. itself are convincing whether the seat neighbour watches
5. Open Internet
6. Eyes close and direct the look against the sky
7. deeply inhale and open this link

In the USA this is more amusing certainly than here in Germany :D

That, my dear friend, can get you killed in today's day and age...but still it would be damn funny while it lasted! :wave2:
Where is here a Trojan ? The picture circulates on "StudieVZ", a very big German Community, there has still announced nobody a Trojan, strangely...
I think you'd get killed by any number of folks for displaying that *hilarious* image on your laptop. They have diverted and landed flights for far more stupid things than that. You'd be damn lucky if they didn't charge you with terrorism for bringing that up on a laptop aboard an airborne flight. Irritate? Nah- how about alarm, or scare the shit out of... ?

No- the airlines have no sense of humor now.

I like how it's "translated" into arabic.