Also, the fact that anal has also become the holy grail of the sexual experience for a lot of people also seems to come from the rise in popularity it has gained in porn. Or is it infact the other way around, does porn follow societies trends or vice-vera?
Men wanting to give their women facials, the super big boobs and bleached blonde look, increase in anal sex among heterosexual couples, men buying big dick pills and devices because they are comparing themselves to pornstars, hetero girls kissing, the shaved bald pussy, people recording themselves having sex..........:yinyang:
You just know that I've got to address the which-came-first-(haha)-the-chicken-or-the-egg aspect of porn and cum facials.
I highly, highly doubt that cum facials were unheard of before porn. I suspect that many men, many couples, engaged in such activities before porn came along. After all, you're having oral sex, you ejaculate, it's more than possible that as you pull out of her mouth it will shoot out onto her face. Some women will think it's fun or funny, some will find it arousing (admittedly, probably not many at all), some will be willing/happy to do it for their man's pleasure, and some will just tolerate it, while others will forbid it.
I think it would take a silly man and a gullible woman to make (or swallow -haha) the argument that hey, it's in porn, so real people everywhere are doing it. But still, I think porn does follow and reflect both what does happen in reality and what happens in men's fantasies, and how both of those things evolve.
:2 cents: