How has Porn Culture Influenced and Pervaded Mainstream Culture ??

It's a question I've been meaning to ask for some time now. All are welcome -and encouraged- to respond, of course, but I'm especially interested to hear from those who have actually worked in pornography in one way or another (obviously, one can answer the question intelligently w/o having worked in porn, but that perspective brings some extra cred, no?). And, of course, please elaborate as to whether you think the influence and crossover is positive, negative, or a mixed-bag...

How has Porn Culture Influenced and Pervaded Mainstream Culture ??

(Thanks in advance for your enlightening and thoughtful responses!)
It really has lol.

I was watching "Family guy" the other night and it was an episode where "Brian" was a porn director.I't was pretty graphic.:nanner:
It really has lol.

I was watching "Family guy" the other night and it was an episode where "Brian" was a porn director.I't was pretty graphic.:nanner:

I assume by your dancing nanner that you think the graphic aspect of the episode was a good thing?? ;)
There are quite a number of expressions/terms that are now used that are relatively new and being used in public. 'Tea-bagging' being one.
I assume by your dancing nanner that you think the graphic aspect of the episode was a good thing?? ;)

You know thats interesting question.My knee jerk conditioned response was this is bad and would be bad for kids to see.But the more I watched and thought about it the more I thought thats wrong it's fine kids get exposed to it and we drop some of the taboo and puritanical ways we think about sex that we were all raised with.
There are quite a number of expressions/terms that are now used that are relatively new and being used in public. 'Tea-bagging' being one.

But I thought that came from the John Waters movie "Pecker" ?? At least, that's the first time I'd ever heard the term; it was used in the context of a gay strip-club in the movie. Hilarious, btw.

You know thats interesting question.My knee jerk conditioned response was this is bad and would be bad for kids to see.But the more I watched and thought about it the more I thought thats wrong it's fine kids get exposed to it and we drop some of the taboo and puritanical ways we think about sex that we were all raised with.

Maybe. Sometimes I think along those lines, other times, not so much. I can't really say much about your example, since I've not seen that episode (or much of 'Family Guy' at all).
Also, revealing underwear has become much more commonplace - thongs seem to be on every other girl nowadays - don't remember that being the case as recent as the 90's.
Shit when I was a kid in the 60s they couldn't show commericals for bras with a real women wearing one.And you never saw commericals for Kotex or condoms.

And all the married characters on TV shows had seperate beds .
We know longer get upset as a society when a women wears a dress short enough to show her knees.

Also, revealing underwear has become much more commonplace - thongs seem to be on every other girl nowadays - don't remember that being the case as recent as the 90's.

Ok, but do you really think that these things came out of porn culture?

Haven't miniskirts and thong underwear been around for a good while now, certainly before videotapes and the internet made porn catch like wildfire...

Just askin'.

If you can show me thongs of the 60's I'd be very surprised. The point I was making was how common it has become, you'll see girls in their everyday normal gear with a whale tail - it's become the norm practically.
This conversation didn't really take off, and I was kinda disappointed by that fact, however I know I didn't do much to help it take off, either...

Let me post this, and I'll say that I find this kind of stuff unsettling - I think it's a good (BAD) example of how porn culture has probably influenced mainstream culture. And again, I think it needs to be primarily an underground phenomenon (except that it should be legal and regulated, so obviously not completely underground)...

Would anyone think that it's a-ok if their kid (boy or girl) would wear a shirt like this?


This conversation didn't really take off, and I was kinda disappointed by that fact, however I know I didn't do much to help it take off, either...

Let me post this, and I'll say that I find this kind of stuff unsettling - I think it's a good (BAD) example of how porn culture has probably influenced mainstream culture. And again, I think it needs to be primarily an underground phenomenon (except that it should be legal and regulated, so obviously not completely underground)...

Would anyone think that it's a-ok if their kid (boy or girl) would wear a shirt like this?

Beastiality is wrong wrong worng.:D
Beastiality is wrong wrong worng.:D

And so is bestiality! ;)

okay, I get it - you're referring to the shirt.

I'm actually willing to let them off the hook for that aspect of it, as the school mascots are merely icons for the school's team players themselves.

But yeah, it's gross...

It's more the rape, victory as sexual domination thing that creeps me out.

Wonder if there are any "clever" shirts of this sort for vets who served at Abu Ghraib or wherever.

I was once in a downtown area near a U.S. military base (Marines) and ran into a group of about a dozen of them in civvies, jogging. Most of them had matching t-shirts which glorified killing and mutilation, and reminded me of heavy-metal t-shirts, only somehow dumber and without any sense of humor.

But I don't blame porn for that - anyway, back to the topic at hand...


Closed Account
One sees the influence of porn in advertising. There is more use of softer, richer colour. Sometimes the music is a bit more racy. Of course in the clothing industry, nude or near nude images are almost the norm. Suggestive poses are used for jeans ads, et al. Words used in advertising are more suggestive. This is a trend that has continued over the past 12 years at least.
And so is bestiality! ;)

but...umm.... does that address the issue of this thread?

Are you saying that you think "beastiality" has influenced and/or pervaded mainstream culture?

Really? How???


The rise of the 'shock video' and the 'reaction video' could be used as an example of this. Granted it's still a relative minority of the population who actually see this material which when viewed upon in the wider sense barely make a dent in wider culture. But, a subcultural meme can and has been formed around these videos that lasts for only a limited period of time. Until of course a video that's more shocking than the last comes out, and they move on.

Over all I think I'm going to have to agree with a post SiCo made, the popularity of trimmed and shaved pubic hair - from what I can tell - does seem to have stemmed somewhat from it's introduction and popularisation in the porn industry.

Also, the fact that anal has also become the holy grail of the sexual experience for a lot of people also seems to come from the rise in popularity it has gained in porn. Or is it infact the other way around, does porn follow societies trends or vice-vera?
Men wanting to give their women facials, the super big boobs and bleached blonde look, increase in anal sex among heterosexual couples, men buying big dick pills and devices because they are comparing themselves to pornstars, hetero girls kissing, the shaved bald pussy, people recording themselves having sex..........:yinyang: