How far back can you remember?

I can distinctly remember things from when I was 3-years-old. Even conversations I had with my dad.

And if someone says they remember breaching I'm putting them on ignore.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I can remember stuff like visiting my grandparents before I could walk. So, pretty far back.
I remember experiencing domestic violence at the age of 3. My father would lock me in the bathroom when he was pissed at my mother and started to beat every ounce of life out of her. I remember criss cross applesauce on the floor and crying. I can still hear her screams inside my head. Do not fret though, he talked shit to the right guy back in 1983 and got shot in the face. Then his parents fought for me in court... I know, right. They tried to take me away from my mom. They lost, and have never seen anybody on my father's side since 1986.
I'm sorry to hear that RASQ. If I could go back further, I'd have the same memories of my biological father but my mom ended up marrying the man I've always called my dad and I love him.

Which incarnation?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Around 4 years old, or so...but oddly, I can't remember how old I was, when I realized the truth about Santa, or Easter Bunny.
Around 4 years old, or so...but oddly, I can't remember how old I was, when I realized the truth about Santa, or Easter Bunny.

I remember my dad waking me up to look out the window to see Santa walking outside our neighbor's house and then told me I better get back to sleep (yeah right). It was awesome.

Then the time came when I realized Santa wasn't real but my dad asked me to keep that to myself for the sake of my little brother.
Pretty far back. Probably age two. It's remarkable how vivid a few of those memories are. Even two really bad dreams I had at around that age stuck permanently in the memory bank.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
I remember being in a high chair and hating the spaghetti I was eating. No idea how old I was.
I have a few memories from when I was about two or three. Mostly just memories of my Creche days(preschool/nursery school/daycare), at least one birthday (not sure if it was mine though), and a few other minor events but I only really started to pin things to a more definite timeline when I hit four because on my birthday during a camping & hiking trip I caught chicken pox or measles and we had to end it early.
I can remember a really bad hail storm that was followed by a tornado in my home town I was about 4 at the time.
I remember something similar: a bad storm, a power outage, and a neighbor and I shining flashlights at each other from inside our houses.

I also recall finding my mom's porn mag (Playgirl) stash when I was very young, and I looked at them. No, I'm not gay. :suspicious:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I remember crying on my first plane trip to visit relatives in California. I can remember the loud sound of the prop engines too. I know that I was 2 on that trip. I figure that's why I get sick or crying babies near me when I fly now. Karma truly is a bitch with a long memory!
I claim to remember an occasion as a baby.
I don´t recognise where I am and can not see my parents and that I am all alone.
There is a picture from the time though with my older sister and brother sitting next to me, which I don´t remember.