Watching porn can be a tricky dilemma. Some have the luxury of a tv/computer and a closed off room while others perch in the back of the bus with their phone angled precisely. Here's how I did it.
So I never had a computer growing up but when I was like 12 my best friend and I found out the local library had computer that weren't blocked. After that discovery we were at the library every day after school and even on the weekends. Eventually the 1 hour time limit became too short so we got multiple fake cards and eventually got caught and banned.
There's my story of awkward porn viewing, what's yours?
So I never had a computer growing up but when I was like 12 my best friend and I found out the local library had computer that weren't blocked. After that discovery we were at the library every day after school and even on the weekends. Eventually the 1 hour time limit became too short so we got multiple fake cards and eventually got caught and banned.
There's my story of awkward porn viewing, what's yours?