How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

Usually I wipe the jizz of your mom and tell her that she should charge more than $4 for anal. (A joke and I hop you take it in spirit.)
Drinks, drugs, loose women - not actual women, the TV show - and angry masturbation sessions where I cry infront of a mirror whilst cutting myself and dripping the blood over pictures of Jeremy Irons, then pressing my face onto the picture and I cry some more.

Then I attempt suicide.

Blue Balls. You are a comedy god and I bow to your genius. Sir.
Drinks, drugs, loose women - not actual women, the TV show - and angry masturbation sessions where I cry infront of a mirror whilst cutting myself and dripping the blood over pictures of Jeremy Irons, then pressing my face onto the picture and I cry some more.

Then I attempt suicide.

Unless blue balls, you are Jeremy Irons then that's just sick.
Drinks, drugs, loose women - not actual women, the TV show - and angry masturbation sessions where I cry infront of a mirror whilst cutting myself and dripping the blood over pictures of Jeremy Irons, then pressing my face onto the picture and I cry some more.

Then I attempt suicide.

Actually most of the pictures of JI that I usually bleed over on birthdays are old newspaper clippings and make and excellent additive to whatever sweetmeats I'm serving for saturnalia. I find it adds both texture and variety for those sick of the usual goats head.
Blue Balls. You are a comedy god and I bow to your genius. Sir.

Why thank you Madam or Sir, I'm not sure yet. All this talk of jizz and wiping it off mothers has gotten little ol' BlueBalls confused :D


Unless blue balls, you are Jeremy Irons then that's just sick.

Ahh how I wish it were so, his accent is just magnificent and I would trade mine in for his anyday.

I could say that "little cat..." speech from Die Hard with a Vengence with pride.
You reach a certain st(age) where you simply stop celebrating :(