How do you stop yourself from zoning out when high?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I cant sem to cncentrate. i jus stare attt ranfdom things.

::facepalm and sighs::

I recommend ignoring the keyboard and watching Big Trouble in Little China.

In case you dont have it, stay the hell away from a motor vehicle.

In case I'm overreacting.. just what the hell are you high on? Whatever it is, your motor skills are lacking. Lay off it a bit.
spacing out is fun when high, i usually have awesome ideas and thoughts then i forget what i was thinking afterwards.
titel of thread was written good though ...

anyhow ... stay inside, don't do anything dangerous to yourself or to others ... chill and sit down ...


Closed Account
Dunno. I'm fucked up enough to be dangerous without exogenous chemicals. AKA: I don't get high.
I cant sem to cncentrate. i jus stare attt ranfdom things.

And you type poorly, and ask really odd questions. What do you want us to say? Do thirty jumping jacks? Go for a jog? Lift some weights?

I say you slap yourself in the face, hard, and then throw your weed out. Christ, use your brain for something productive instead as a means of stupid entertainment. If you have to be high to watch it, IT SUCKS!!
Relax, that's what you're supposed to do.

good thing that i'm not the only one that thought so.

as for the thread poster (or anyone else who is interested) if you are reading this far down, here's a few tips to avoid a bad trip:

Just try and remain clam and focused. your thoughts are going to wander and there's nothing you can do about it, but try to concentrate and keep reminding yourself where you are at and what is happening if you should find yourself losing touch with reality.

Open up a window and get some fresh air. Don't go for a walk or a drive, it will not help in anyway, it's a very bad idea.

Drink plenty or water and eat some food, it will help you stay more level and feel better.

That's really about it, I wouldn't recommend trying to take any other drugs to counteract or cause a different effect, and going to sleep isn't really the best thing especially if you are alone because you are going to have crazy dreams and if you wake up and you are still high, it's going to be fucked up. but if you have to, then go for it, it could be better to not be awake and hopefully you'll be over it when you come to.

oh yeah, and just having the right mindset really helps. You gotta be positive and in a comfortable place before you start.
I wouldn't recommend doing drugs, but I've smoked weed tons of times and the time I had that laced shit, I just did what I said before, and I didn't freak out and it was OK. the first time I ate mushrooms I was so out of it, but once again, I kept it cool, and it wasn't a bad time.
Write down the things you think about, or better yet record them. Then read/listen to them when you are sober, and you'll be in for a good laugh.
try reducing your intake, but if it's too late, just let go ... and sail away.
Isnt that the point? Everyone "zones" out when they are high, they become lethargic and just sit there and do nothing :dunno: Its not like when you smoke it your supposed to get up and run a marathon......:rolleyes:
perhaps his first trip, still remember mine ... i was talking to everybody and going here and there ... when my rush was over they told me i just sit there quiet and almost dead ...
is everything a conspiracy with you, chef?

why so paranoid, are you high right now?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
is everything a conspiracy with you, chef?

why so paranoid, are you high right now?

Huh? HUH? WHAT, how'd he know?

:looks around:



What's that? know what's a funny word? Pancake. Paaaancake. CAKKKKKE. PaaaaanCAKKKKE. I want pancakes.
